Raoul De Navery - JEANNE-MARIE.

Paris, C. Dillet, 1865.


false title, title, 309 pp. and table - 5 sheets "catalog of the author's works from the publisher, with a presentation of each of the works".

green cloth spine binding, stamped title. 18 x 11 cm.

in very good condition: a solid binding, in good condition; freckles.
Raoul De Navery - JEANNE-MARIE. Paris, C. Dillet, 1865. novel, false title, title, 309 pp. and table - 5 sheets "catalog of the author's works from the publisher, with a presentation of each of the works". green cloth spine binding, stamped title. 18 x 11 cm. in very good condition: a solid binding, in good condition; freckles.