Keetia’s Console repair / Upgrade shop

> All consoles featured in this post photos have been worked on and repaired and or upgraded by me!

I am a self taught, and extremely passionate console repair man. I love to bring old consoles back to their original functioning glory, or upgrade them to play at new heights like never before!

I am offering a repair service for any Nintendo console that needs repair. I can fix and or replace original charger ports on Nintendo handhelds or as a third option I can change the charger to accept a standard USB-C connection.

I can replace broken buttons / switches / shells / screens and lenses and many more items upon specific request.

I try to source parts from US sellers on Ebay to ensure fast delivery and optimal quality. When you go to place an order with me, first talk to me in a direct message and we can go over any thing and everything you will want to do to your console.

I provide constant updates and communicate very heavily with my customers to ensure everything is going how YOU want it to be going. I make sure to ship my packages back out to you either same day I receive it or the next morning without delay.

I do not have many reviews yet, but if the customer reviews pictured in this post don’t make you want to give me a chance and drop a review, then I don’t know what will!

Pricing on some of my services offered in this post

> Simple re-thermal pasting service on any console- 20$

> Complete console cleaning service for any console ( fresh thermal paste or pads included )- 30$

> HDMI port replacement service ( Xbox one , Xbox series , PS4 , PS5 , and SWITCH docks ) - 50$ ( plus part cost )

> Screen replacement/Upgrade ( PSP , PS vita , DS models , 3DS models , SWITCH models ) - 30$ ( plus part cost )

> Shell swap / Upgrade ( DS Lite’s , All Gameboy models , PSP’s , GameCube ) - 30$ ( plus cost of new shell )

> GameCube modding ( Pico-boot install / Swiss CFW / SD card compatibility ) - 50$ ( plus cost of multiple parts )

> Disk Drive Laser Replacement / Calibration ( All Xbox models and PS models / Wii , GameCube ) - 30$ ( plus parts )

> Nintendo Switch modding service ( RP2040 mod chip install / Any model switch!!! ) - 60$ ( plus cost of part )

> I only recommend shells from Extremrates website / some items and parts you order may take some time to arrive!!

If you have any repair request / questions I would be happy to answer anything and help you in a direct message!

I have a small community I am trying to grow into something anyone can use to ask me or someone more knowledgeable on a problem you are having related to a console or electronic on Discord.

Direct message me for an invite link!!