
Live dormant plant, No shipments to California or Hawaii  State due to regulations in those state. 

Provence Quince

Live dormant plant, No shipments to California or Hawaii  due to regulations in those states.


You are bidding on 1 seedling. 



Dreaming of a garden infused with Old World charm and culinary potential? Provence Quince delivers! This exquisite heirloom variety offers a captivating spectacle, boasting delicate white blossoms in spring that transform into fragrant, golden fruits in fall. Unlike other quinces, Provence boasts larger, smoother fruit, perfect for crafting irresistible jellies, jams, and pastes bursting with tangy flavor. It's the secret ingredient to elevate your desserts and sauces, adding a touch of sophistication to your table. But Provence Quince isn't just about taste; it's a low-maintenance beauty, thriving in various climates and requiring minimal care. Imagine the enchanting sight of its twisted branches adorned with golden orbs amidst lush greenery, creating a picture-perfect corner of your garden. Beyond its beauty, Provence Quince attracts bees and butterflies, making your backyard a haven for pollinators. So, why settle for the ordinary? Embrace the extraordinary by planting a Provence Quince and unlock a world of culinary delights, captivating visuals, and ecological benefits, all inspired by the magic of Provence.

These are 12 to 18 inch plants, some may be top pruned to fit into 26 inch mailing tube. Plants are grown from cuttings and have roots, they will need some extra watering the first year to make sure the roots get established.

Sun: Full sun for best flowering and fruiting, tolerates some part shade. Soil: Well-drained, fertile soil with a pH of 6.0-7.5 (adapts to various soil types but avoid heavy soggy clay). Water: Regular watering during growth and fruiting season, tolerates drier periods once established. Hardiness: USDA zones 5a-8b (depending on cultivar). Chill Hours: 100-500 hours (depending on cultivar). Pruning: Prune in late winter to control size and shape, thin fruit when necessary. Maintenance: Mulch around the base to retain moisture and suppress weeds. Benefits: Fragrant spring blossoms, unique and delicious fruit for jellies and jams, pollinator friendly, low-maintenance once established.


Once again, No Shipments to California or Hawaii due to regulations.



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