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The Other Side of the Lake the Purple Girl III Hungary Received UFO Signals

by Erik De La Torre Stahl

After Jefferson, Erik and Kara said goodbye to Michel De Nostredame and Leonardo Da Vinci they travel in time through the Monalisa paint from Leonardo Da Vinci and appeared inside the Black Knight Satelite time machine and started to send signals to the country Hungry in the year 2125 and Hungry government started receiving the signals. Hungary Government first commander Beryed Nicolay: (Nicolay is watching his crystal cyber computer on a glass window and suddenly received UFO signals from The Black Knight Satelite where our friends Jefferson, Erik & Kara are located. Beryed Nicolay: Hello would you please identified ! Jefferson: we would like to orbit your planet and land in your country we are visiting your country in peace Beryed Nicolay: Permission Granted. What's your name? Jefferson: My name is Jefferson, and the other fellows aboard are Kara and Erik and What's your name? Beryed Nicolay: My name is Beryed Nicolay. Well I see an old satelite in my orbital codes. Jefferson: Correct we are inside, this satelite we called Black Knight Beryed Nicolay: How you guys travel in space? Jefferson: We travel in the Black Knight Satellite in time and space Beryed Nicolay: Well the portal is open to land in Budapest Jefferson: Well Erik and Kara will appeared in that location. (We can see how Jefferson inside the Black Knight satelite sends his friends Erik and Kara to the location codes but appeared inside Saint Matthias old church built in Budapest in the 11 century, Hungary) we can see how Erik is trying to contact Nicolay. Erik: Nicolay do you heard me? Nicolay: Where are you guys? Erik: Acctually we appeared inside an old church name Saint Matthews, looks this place so old, we are inside the catacumbes better known cemetery under the church Saint Mattews, there is an old legend that says Saint Matthews Eglise (church ) 11 century founded by . 2 Saint Stephen. Nicolay: Oh my God, well do not worry i am going to pick you guys in 10 minutes, you guys are under the old cathedrale. ( we can see how Nicolay get on his Flying car and land outside of Saint Matthews church better known as Matthias Church and get inside with the police and fire fighters to open the basement of the church with tools and talk with the priest. Nicolay: We need to go down the basement sir The priest of the church: Do you have permission by the city? Nicolay: Yes i came with the police and there are people under the basement we must saved those lives. The priest of the church: You are lunatics, but is okay follow me to the basements. (we can see how Nicolay talk with his cyber cellphone implanted in his ear) Nicolay: Where are you guy ?Please scream Erik: Okay... Please take us out, here there is not too much oxygen ! 3 The priest: Oh my Lord, that's true. (we can see how the police with lacer bins open the floor and they saved the lives of Erik and Kara) Erik is wearing a nice Chinese jacket and pants and Kara like always sexy with a beautiful dress. Nicolay: Hi guys are you all right? Erik: Yes thanks, nice to meet you, excuse me sir which year is today? Nicolay: The year today is 2125 March, Well welcome to Hungary and inside this beautiful Church name Saint Mathew build in the 11 century. Please follow me. I am Nicolay (We can see how Erik and Kara follow Nicolay outside of the church and get on inside the Nicolay's flying magnetic car.) About the Author Erik De La Torre Stahl born in Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico on March 09, 1969. Started acting and singing at age 6 years old. In 1990 worked as tv reported for Televisa Mexico Eco news international. In 1995 started singing his songs in Caos rock band . MTV discovered him in 1995 then in 2015 in MTV was seen his film serie The Other Side Of The Lake The Purple Girl . Recently in 2017 Erik De La Torre Stahl won The Telly Award 2017 with his film The Other Side of The Lake The Purple Girl; Episode V, Battle in The Sky

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Short Title The Other Side of the Lake the Purple Girl III Hungary Received UFO Signals
Pages 176
Language English
Year 2018
ISBN-10 1721221352
ISBN-13 9781721221356
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2018-06-14
Subtitle The Other Side of the Lake the Purple Girl III Hungary Received UFO Signals
Publisher Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Imprint Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Author Erik De La Torre Stahl
Audience General
