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Novem Portis

by Joshua Free, Rowen Gardner

Discover long-lost remnants of primordial spirituality, ancient Mesopotamian religion, Sumerian Anunnaki mythology and a hidden mystery tradition developed during a nearly-prehistoric Babylonian era of magic and Otherworldly encounters.

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Publisher Description

The original classic underground bestseller by Joshua Free returns to print, commemorating its 10th Anniversary with a special hardcover collector's edition that is sure to become a prized addition to your personal esoteric library.
A refreshingly coherent revelation for our times, illuminating long-lost remnants of primordial spirituality, ancient Mesopotamian religion, Sumerian Anunnaki mythology and a hidden mystery tradition developed during a nearly-prehistoric Babylonian era of magic and Otherworldly encounters.
From original Anunnaki traditions to the origins of all worldly and metaphysical systems; from the Yezidic and Persian lore of the Ancient Near East to the past century of underground occult traditions inspired by Aleister Crowley and Kenneth Grant; from the archetypal themes present in the "Delomelanicon" to the experiences of the millions of people who have read, or even used, Simon's Necronomicon... No cuneiform tablet is left unturned, no dark corner left undiscovered, in this amazing and concise guide to the forbidden knowledge lost thousands of years ago, and yet now covertly infused within the heart of all "magick," "religion" and "spirituality" on the planet today.
In "Novem Portis: Necronomicon Revelations and Nine Gates of the Kingdom of Shadows, " world renown director of the "Mardukite Research Organization" and founder of "Mardukite Zuism" and the Systemology Society, invites the Seeker on an incredible and practical occult journey into underground esoterica, unlike anything ever published before.
Joshua Free candidly reveals how "spiritual beings" and "alien intelligences" have increasingly influenced the imaginations of "metaphysical" writers and "fantasy" artists, primordial "gods" seeking to have their stories told and knowledge of their existence reborn.
And what's more: the power and influence of this invisible hand appear to be behind all of the primary systems installed into human civilization, whether social or mystical, since the time of the ancient Sumerians.
This collector's edition hardcover 10th anniversary edition of "Novem Portis" combines materials from the revolutionary and controversial "Necronomicon Revelations" (Liber-R) with the Mardukite Tablet Catalogue released in "Liber-9," just as it appeared a decade ago for the first wave of graduating "Mardukite Chamberlains" alumni, those having previously dedicated two years to a tradition of literary work and spiritual systemology inspired by Joshua Free's "Necronomicon: The Anunnaki Bible."

Author Biography

Joshua Free is a mystic philosopher, world-renowned underground occult expert and prolific author of over 40 books on ancient history, esoteric archeology, alternative science, practical occultism, and Systemology since 1995. He has been involved with practical Earth magic since he was 12, starting with his first initiation into Pheryllt Druidism in the mid-1990's and is currently Bard of the Twelfth Chair at New Forest Centre for Magickal Studies. He founded "Mardukite Ministries" (Mardukite Zuism) in 2008, and is the Director of the "Mardukite Research Organization" along with its advanced New Thought division, "The Systemological Society."


Pages 160
Publisher Joshua Free
Language English
Year 2021
ISBN-10 057884334X
ISBN-13 9780578843346
Format Hardcover
Publication Date 2021-02-19
Short Title Novem Portis
Subtitle Necronomicon Revelations and Nine Gates of the Kingdom of Shadows
Author Rowen Gardner
UK Release Date 2021-02-19
Edition 10th
Imprint Joshua Free
Edition Description 10th Anniversary Collector's ed.
Audience General
