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Secrets of Male Catheter Insertion for Prostate Problems

by Ronald M. Bazar

A Manual For Men, Health Practitioners and Students, and Emergency Room NursesThe purpose of this book on male catheter insertion for prostate problems is to help with a quick solution to an emergency that many men can suddenly face: what to do if you can't urinate!It presents clear step by step instructions on how to do it oneself without pain and only discomfort if required or desired. It provides essential guidelines and tips in simple language that anyone can follow.And there are many important tips for practitioners to learn how to deal with more difficult situations of extreme difficulty of blockage.Prostate blockages create their own challenges. The prostate is enlarged or inflamed and very sensitive. This puts pressure on the part of the pee tube-known as the prostatic urethra-that goes right through the prostate. If there is too much pressure, your pee tube will be squeezed closed so tight that not a drop can get through from your bladder-no matter how desperately you gotta go!Thank goodness for the invention of the modern catheter! Without it, a very painful death could happen.Proper catheter technique, known as prostate catheterization, then becomes very important so that you can navigate your catheter through the tightly squeezed passageway created by your enlarged prostate.With the right catheter and technique, let me assure you that insertion is not painful. In fact, 'discomfort' is a more appropriate way to describe it-if it's done properly.How To Do It Without PainThe intent of this guide is not to replace professional medical services but to give you all the hard-earned lessons-which I have gleaned over the years as I faced this painful problem myself-in case you need or want to do it yourself or you are in an emergency and someone has to do it for you. I am thankful to the insights and tips imparted to me by emergency health workers that make up part of the manual.It also contains some important tips and insights for frontline health practitioners and students and emergency room nurses. If you are one of these people, this book just may help you to succeed in some extreme cases or to make it less traumatic for your patient. You may find an invaluable tip or two throughout the book in addition to the advanced tips for professionals at the end of the book.A catheter with instructions should be part of every first aid kit, especially when in remote locations.Ronald M. Bazar, a Harvard MBA, walked away from emergency prostate surgery twice to use natural methods to heal his prostate instead. A decade of research and tens of thousands of dollars of self-experimentation are what have made him an expert in men's natural health in general and prostate health in particular. He has written 6 books on prostate issues.

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Author Biography

Ronald M. Bazar, a Harvard MBA, walked away from emergency prostate surgery twice to use natural methods to heal his prostate instead. A decade of research and tens of thousands of dollars of self-experimentation have made him an expert in prostate health. He has published several books on prostate health including the groundbreaking book Healthy Prostate: The Extensive Guide to Prevent and Heal Prostate Problems. His 40 years as a natural foods and health insider has provided him with a unique perspective and a road-map to healthy eating not found anywhere else. He is a firm believer that everyone is unique and, as such, no one diet is perfect for everyone, which virtually all other diet gurus preach-even those who talk about different "body types." His approach will educate and inspire you. The foundation of his books is that "food is your medicine" and, when chosen carefully, can prevent the wise eater from having to take "prescribed toxic medicine with side effects." Ron now lives a fulfilling life as a writer, hobby artisan and regular Ultimate Frisbee player on a remote island in British Columbia, Canada, healthier than he has ever been!


Author Ronald M. Bazar
Pages 82
Language English
ISBN-10 1499306040
ISBN-13 9781499306040
Media Book
Format Paperback
Year 2014
Publication Date 2014-05-11
Subtitle How to Insert a Catheter Safely and Easily Without Pain
Imprint Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
UK Release Date 2014-05-11
Publisher Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Audience General
