Galactic cubit tensor ring water charging coaster with Lapis Lazuli ,Lepidolite and Aventurine gemstones.

Restructure your water with higher vibrations of tensor ring and crystals.

The Galactic Cubit connects with the Higher Soul Self and works with all of the Soul's Aspect

Lapis Lazuli is a Stone of protection. It can recognize a psychic attack and works to negate the effects of any harmful energies coming your way.

It is also a stone of serenity and peace, calming tempers, releasing stress, and bringing the mind and body together harmoniously. Lapis Lazuli encourages self-awareness and taking charge of your own life. It helps us express ourselves safely and empowering without holding back and brings the qualities of honesty, compassion, and integrity to the wearer.

It carries an energy of universal wisdom that can help you find your spiritual path and step into your power.

This stone acts quickly to release stress and brings a deep sense of peace because of its immense power of serenity.


One of the best mood stabilizers in the world of gemstones, the Lepidolite crystal contains a high amount of lithium, which is also used in anti-anxiety medication. It doesn't require a prescription and side effects include a sense of calm and tranquility during times of stress and chaos. Call on the Lepidolite crystal healing properties to balance the mind and spirit, especially when you are feeling paralyzed by the negative effects of stress and anxiety. 

The Lepidolite crystal properties work by bringing awareness to your current state of being. By focusing on what you are feeling right now, you can begin to take a step back from worrying about the future or stressing about the past and come back to your breath. The tranquility and calm that Lepidolite provides helps you to take a deep breath and focus on solutions so you can address the source of your stress rather than letting it take over. The ultra-soothing vibrations of this stone is also what makes it such a powerful crystal for supporting sleep and relaxation. 

The Aventurine crystal is known in the gemstone world as one of the luckiest stones, which makes it a must-have for inviting good luck and prosperity into your life. Besides boosting your luck in everyday situations, the Aventurine crystal healing properties are especially useful for high-stakes moments like job interviews, performances, important meetings, and even dates. Wherever you need luck on your side, Aventurine is the stone to call upon in your ctystal collection. 

The Aventurine crystal stone meaning is linked with the heart plexus chakra, which makes it a powerful gem for calming negative emotions that often gets stuck in the heart center. Working with this stone allows the gentle and supportive Aventurine crystal healing properties to flow through your chakras, which helps promote harmony and balance while clearing away toxic emotions.