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by Bill Nye

In Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation, Bill Nye explains why race does not really exist; evaluates the true promise and peril of genetically modified food; reveals how new species are born, in a dog kennel and in a London subway; takes a stroll through 4.5 billion years of time; and explores the new search for alien life.

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Publisher Description

Sparked by a controversial debate in February 2014, Bill Nye has set off on an energetic campaign to spread awareness of evolution and the powerful way it shapes our lives. In Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation, he explains why race does not really exist; evaluates the true promise and peril of genetically modified food; reveals how new species are born, in a dog kennel and in a London subway; takes a stroll through 4.5 billion years of time; and explores the new search for alien life, including aliens right here on Earth. With infectious enthusiasm, Bill Nye shows that evolution is much more than a rebuttal to creationism; it is an essential way to understand how nature works - and to change the world. He argues passionately that to continue to assert otherwise, to continue to insist that creationism has a place in the science classroom is harmful not only to our children, but to the future of the greater world as well. It might also help you get a date on a Saturday night.

Author Biography

Bill Nye is a scientist, engineer, comedian, and inventor. He has a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University where he studied under Carl Sagan, and worked on the 747 as an engineer at Boeing before creating and hosting his much-loved Emmy award-winning PBS/Discovery Channel show Bill Nye the Science Guy. He holds six Honorary Doctorate degrees from Lehigh University, Willamette University, Quinnipiac University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Goucher College, and Johns Hopkins, and teaches at Cornell regularly as a visiting professor. Corey S. Powell is the former editor in chief of American Scientist and Discover, where he is currently editor at large and continues to write the "Out There" column and blog. He is also a visiting scholar at NYU's SHERP science journalism program, as well as a freelance writer for Popular Science, Smithsonian, Nautilus, and Aeon; his article "The Madness of the Planets" appears in The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2014. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife, two daughters, and a small collection of Permian-era fossils. Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation is his first collaboration with Bill Nye, but he hopes it will not be his last.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 1. Introduction: Me and You and Evolution, Too 2. The Great Creationism Debate 3. Creation and the Second Law of Thermodynamics 4. Bottom-Up Design 5. Deep Time--Dive in 6. On the Origin of Evolution 7. Lamarck and His Not-Acquired Traits 8. My Prom and Sexual Selection 9. The Red Queen 10. Dogs Are All Dogs 11. The Tree of Life--Or Is It a Bush? 12. Biodiversity Comes in the Territory 13. Fossil Records and Explosions 14. Mass Extinctions and You 15. Ancient Dinosaurs and the Asteroid Test 16. Punctuated Equilibrium 17. Contingency, Bottlenecking, Founding 18. Mosquitoes in the Tube 19. Convergence, Analogy, and Homology 20. What Good Is Half a Wing? 21. Human Bodies Are Walking Talking and Good Enough 22. Evolution Is Why We Don't Believe in Evolution 23. Micro or Macro--It's Evolution 24. Michael Faraday and the Joy of Discovery 25. Medicine and You--Evolution at the Doctor's Office 26. Antibiotic Drug Resistance--Fight Back 27. The Urge of Altruism 28. Games Species Play 29. Costly Signals 30. Genetically Modified Foods--What the GMF? 31. Human Cloning--Not Cool 32. Our Skin Colors 33. Is the Human Species Still Evolving? 34. Astrobiologically Speaking--Is There Anyone Out There? 35. The Sparks That Started It All 36. A Second Genesis--of Life? 37. Life's Cosmic Imperative


"With his charming, breezy, narrative style, Bill empowers the reader to see the natural world as it is, not as some would wish it to be. He does it right. And, as I expected, he does it best." --Neil deGrasse Tyson, Ph.D, host of COSMOS "This gracefully written book provides a tour through not just the big ideas of evolution, but why evolution is such a captivating idea scientifically, philosophically, and emotionally. Written from the heart--but science always comes from the heart with Bill Nye." --Eugenie C. Scott, Ph.D., author of Evolution vs. Creationism: An Introduction "Bill Nye has written a wonderfully clear, readable, and enjoyable explanation of what evolution is and is not. In his casual, humorous style, he...describes the gigantic mountain of evidence that demonstrates that evolution not only happened in the past, but is happening in real time." --Donald Prothero, Ph.D., author of Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters "Following right in his mentor Carl Sagan's footsteps, this call to action and awareness of the lingering 'debate' over the reality of Evolution will further cement Bill Nye's place as our time's premier spokesman for science and reason." --Dr. Jim Bell, president of The Planetary Society and author of The Interstellar Age "Bill Nye has penned one of the clearest and most moving explanations of that process since Darwin's On the Origin of Species. With clarity and passion, Nye brings evolutionary theory to life." --Michael Shermer, Ph.D., author of Why Darwin Matters and The Moral Arc


From the host of "Bill Nye the Science Guy" comes an impassioned explanation of how the science of our origins is fundamental to our understanding of the nature of science.

Review Quote

"With his charming, breezy, narrative style, Bill empowers the reader to see the natural world as it is, not as some would wish it to be. He does it right. And, as I expected, he does it best." -- Neil deGrasse Tyson, Ph.D, host of COSMOS "This gracefully written book provides a tour through not just the big ideas of evolution, but why evolution is such a captivating idea scientifically, philosophically, and emotionally. Written from the heart--but science always comes from the heart with Bill Nye." -- Eugenie C. Scott, Ph.D., author of Evolution vs. Creationism: An Introduction "Bill Nye has written a wonderfully clear, readable, and enjoyable explanation of what evolution is and is not. In his casual, humorous style, he...describes the gigantic mountain of evidence that demonstrates that evolution not only happened in the past, but is happening in real time." -- Donald Prothero, Ph.D., author of Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters "Following right in his mentor Carl Sagan's footsteps, this call to action and awareness of the lingering 'debate' over the reality of Evolution will further cement Bill Nye's place as our time's premier spokesman for science and reason." -- Dr. Jim Bell, president of The Planetary Society and author of The Interstellar Age "Bill Nye has penned one of the clearest and most moving explanations of that process since Darwin's On the Origin of Species . With clarity and passion, Nye brings evolutionary theory to life." --Michael Shermer, Ph.D., author of Why Darwin Matters and The Moral Arc

Promotional "Headline"

From the host of Bill Nye the Science Guy comes an impassioned explanation of how the science of our origins is fundamental to our understanding of the nature of science - now in trade paperback.

Excerpt from Book

1 ME AND YOU AND EVOLUTION, TOO I think it started with the bees. I was about seven years old, and I watched them … all day. That Sunday, I had read the "Ripley's Believe It or Not" column in The Washington Post , which claimed, "The Bumblebee: Considering its size, shape, and wingspan, is an aerodynamic misfit-which should be unable to fly!" It was frustrating, because here they were flying. I got caught up in the details. Their wings looked like decoration, no more useful than a store-bought bow glued to a gift. I looked closely at my mother's azalea flowers-so many delicate parts. Somehow, the bees were able to get in there, fill their pollen baskets from the flowers, and fly away again and again. How did bees learn to do all that? Where did they come from? Where did the flowers come from? Come to think of it, how did any of us get here? Why did Ripley's have it so obviously wrong? I was getting pulled into something much larger than myself. The yearning to know about nature and where or how we fit in is deep within all of us. As I learned about evolution and descent by natural selection, the answers fell into place. We are all aware that evolution happens, because we all have parents. Many of us have, or will have, children. We see the effects of heredity up close and personal. We've also experienced firsthand what Charles Darwin called descent with modification: the way that an entire population of living things can change from generation to generation. Think about the food grown on farms. For about twelve thousand years, exploiting the phenomenon of evolution, humans have been able to modify plants through a process known as artificial selection. In wheat farming and horse racing we call it breeding. Darwin realized that breeding (and domesticating) plants and animals involves exactly the same process that occurs naturally in evolution, only accelerated with the help of humans. This natural process produced you and me. Once you become aware-once you see how evolution works-so many familiar aspects of the world take on new significance. The affectionate nuzzling of a dog, the annoying bite of a mosquito, the annual flu shot: All are direct consequences of evolution. As you read this book, I hope you will also come away with a deeper appreciation for the universe and our place within it. We are the results of billions of years of cosmic events that led to the cozy, habitable planet we live on. We experience evolution every day in our culture as well. People everywhere are fascinated with other people. That's why we have sidewalk cafés, televisions, and gossip magazines. We interact to produce more of us for future generations. People are fascinated with their bodies. Turn on the television to any channel. If it's youth-oriented music programming, you'll see advertisements for skin medicines to make you look healthy, for deodorants to modify your natural scents, and for hair and makeup products to render you more attractive to a potential mate. If it's a staid news channel, you'll see ads for improving your breathing, your bones, and, of course, your sexual performance. None of these products would be produced were we not walking, talking products of evolution. We are all so much alike, because we are all human. But it goes deeper than that. Every species you'll encounter on Earth is, near as we can tell, chemically the same inside. We are all descended from a common ancestor. We are shaped by the same forces and factors that influence every other living thing, and yet we emerged as something unique. Among the estimated 16 million species on Earth, we alone have the ability to comprehend the process that brought us here. Any way you reckon it, evolution is inspiring. Despite all of that, a great number of people in many parts of the world-even in well-educated parts of the developed world-are resistant or hostile to the idea of evolution. Even in places like Pennsylvania and Kentucky, here in the United States, the whole idea of evolution is overwhelming, confusing, frightening, and even threatening to many individuals. I can understand why. It's an enormous process, unfolding over times that dwarf a human lifespan-across billions of years and in every part of the world. And it's profoundly humbling. As I learned more about evolution, I realized that from nature's point of view, you and I ain't such a big deal. Humans are just another species on this planet trying to make a go of it, trying to pass our genes into the future, just like chrysanthemums, muskrats, sea jellies, poison ivy … and bumblebees. Many people who are troubled by evolution want to suppress teaching the whole concept of descent through natural selection in schools. Others try to push it aside or dilute it by casting doubt on the established science that supports it. State education standards allow the teaching of fictitious alternatives to evolution in Texas, Louisiana, and Tennessee. Even though the people who support these curricula live lives that are enriched in many ways by science and engineering (everything from running water and abundant food to television and the Internet) they avoid the exploration of evolution, because it reminds us all that humankind may not be that special in nature's scheme. What happens to other species also happens to us. I continually remind people what is at stake here. Our understanding of evolution came to us by exactly the same method of scientific discovery that led to printing presses, polio vaccines, and smartphones. Just as mass and motion are fundamental ideas in physics, and the movement of tectonic plates is a fundamental idea in geology, evolution is the fundamental idea in all of life science. Evolution has essential practical applications in agriculture, environmental protection, medicine, and public health. What would the deniers have us do? Ignore all the scientific discoveries that make our technologically driven world possible, things like the ability to rotate crops, pump water, generate electricity, and broadcast baseball? Even the theological objections to evolution stand on shaky ground. For the last century and a half, ever since the publication of Darwin's On the Origin of Species in 1859, many people have come to believe that evolution is in conflict with their religious beliefs. At the same time, many people around the world who hold deep religious convictions see no conflict between their spiritual beliefs and their scientific understanding of evolution. So the naysayers are not only casting doubt on science and nonbelievers; they are also ignoring the billions of non-conflicted believers around the world, dismissing their views as unworthy. I'll admit that the discovery of evolution is humbling, but it is also empowering. It transforms our relationship to the life around us. Instead of being outsiders watching the natural world go by, we are insiders. We are part of the process; we are the exquisite result of billions of years of natural research and development. Frankly, my concern is not so much for the deniers of evolution as it is for their kids. We cannot address the problems facing humankind today without science-both the body of scientific knowledge and, more important, the process. Science is the way in which we know nature and our place within it. Like any useful scientific theory, evolution enables us to make predictions about what we observe in nature. Since it was developed in the nineteenth century, the theory itself has also evolved, by which I mean that it's been refined and expanded. Some of the most wonderful aspects and consequences of evolution have been discovered only recently. This is in stark contrast to creationism, which offers a static view of the world, one that cannot be challenged or tested with reason. And because it cannot make predictions, it cannot lead to new discoveries, new medicines, or new ways to feed all of us. Evolutionary theory takes us into the future. As the foundation of biology, evolution informs big questions about emerging agricultural and medical technologies. Should we genetically modify more of our foods? Should we pursue cloning and genetic engineering to improve human health? There is no way to make sense of these issues outside of an evolutionary context. As an engineer trained in the U.S., I look at the assault on evolution-which is actually an assault on science overall-as much more than an intellectual issue; for me, it's personal. I feel strongly that we need the young people of today to become the scientists and the engineers of tomorrow so that my native United States continues to be a world leader in discovery and innovation. If we suppress science in this country, we are headed for trouble. Evolutionary theory also takes us into the past, offering a compelling case study of the collaborative and cumulative way that great scientific discoveries are made. In some sense the concept of evolution can be traced to the Greek philosopher Anaximander. In the sixth century BC, after evaluating fossils, he speculated that life had begun with fishlike animals living in the ocean. He had no theory of how one species gave rise to another, however, nor did he have an explanation of how Earth acquired its stunning biodiversity. Nobody would, for another two millennia. Ultimately, the mechanism of evolution was discovered by two men at very nearly the same time: Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace. You've probably heard a great deal about Darwin. You may not have heard so much about Wallace. He was a naturalist who spent a great dea


Author Bill Nye
Language English
ISBN-10 1250074223
ISBN-13 9781250074225
Media Book
Format Paperback
DEWEY 576.8
Residence US
Pages 352
Year 2015
Country of Publication United States
Birth 1850
Death 1896
Imprint Saint Martin's Griffin,U.S.
Place of Publication California
Illustrations Yes
Subtitle Evolution and the Science of Creation
Edited by Powell, Corey S.
AU Release Date 2015-09-08
NZ Release Date 2015-09-08
US Release Date 2015-09-08
UK Release Date 2015-09-08
Publisher Griffin Publishing
Publication Date 2015-09-08
Audience General
