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Who'd You Put Your Panties on for Today?

by Amy Deans, Tara John

Do you feel like you've lost yourself...that everything you do, you do for your family, your friends, you co-workers, your boss...?Wish you could take a break, take care of yourself, and recreate your life?At the end of the day, do you wonder, "Who'd You Put Your Panties on for Today...You...or someone else?"If you're like a lot of women, you've probably put taking care of your loved ones ahead of taking care of yourself. You mean to do things for really do...but time zips by and between driving kids after school, picking up dry cleaning, encouraging a friend on the phone, cooking dinner and spending time with your husband, you just can't seem to figure out how to create some breathing room for yourself.You tell yourself, "If my family is happy, I'm happy." But secretly, you're not as happy as you want to be and you feel guilty for wanting more.You want to feel strong, empowered, confident, valuable, worthy, cherished, supported, nurtured and loved. You know it all has to start with you, but maybe you don't know how to begin...You're ready to Start a Revolution in Your Life...This is a great place to start, within the pages and exercises found in the book, Who'd You Put Your Panties on for Today?

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Author Biography

I always laugh out loud when someone asks me to write about myself, as I feel like I am a simple, loving, caring, warm, delightful and worthy down home, Salt Lake City, Utah gal. I enjoy a good pair of low rider, bell bottom jeans, a tank top, bare feet and an excellent sea salt spa pedicure. My Mom refers to me as her "Angel Amy", even when my Halo has been tilted and a little rusty. Being social, outgoing and friendly have been prevalent in my life since I was in the hospital at 15 months old. My mom tells the story of coming to my room after I had surgery and finding my appointed hospital bed ruffled and empty with no Amy to be found. As she searched for me throughout the halls, she found me chatting and smiling with the doctors and nurses; happily strolling through the halls in my hospital gown and stocking covered feet. I believe I was born to add sunshine to people's lives. I thrive at smiling at others just to see if I can get a smile back from them. For the majority of my life I have lived in Utah with tiny sidesteps for short periods of time into California and Arizona. However, Utah is where I will always call home. I have an older brother, 4 younger sisters and 2 younger brothers. I love the outdoors! It fills my soul with an indescribable stillness and peace. I enjoy people; they fascinate and amaze me. Whether the troubled child, or anxious parent, the "Gals" at work, or the Doctors I have worked with. Regardless of their successes, financial standing or their pain and suffering, they have my acceptance and love. I recognize the most valuable asset I have to offer is my own joy and happiness and an open, loving heart! I am a true lover of life and enjoy investigating those things that can give me hints as of ways to better myself, so I can assist others as well as my children, friends and family. It was not an easy task for me to write this biography as I struggled in my mind with how much personal information I should divulge to you, my readers. I feel like life and what we are seeing around us, in the media and on television programs has become all about drama. I have passed those darker places in my life, and discarded of them and moved forward, I do not feel like I need to revile them in writing for you to understand who I am today. I am finally ME! and this is what I encourage for you!


Author Tara John
Pages 220
Publisher Angel Press Publishing
Language English
ISBN-10 0615593291
ISBN-13 9780615593296
Media Book
Format Paperback
Illustrator Tara John
Year 2012
Publication Date 2012-04-07
Subtitle One Woman's Ingenious Journey of Self Discovery
Imprint Angel Press Publishing
Audience General
