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Dragonia The Dragon Stone

by Craig A. Price, Jr, Craig A. Price

Devarius knows the wyverns won't be enough to face the dragonriders, and the wyvern oil addicted dragonmen cannot be trusted.

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Publisher Description

Devarius knows the wyverns won't be enough to face the dragonriders, and the wyvern oil addicted dragonmen cannot be trusted.
The resistance has won a few battles against the empire. The wyvernriders have proven effective, as have the dragomen, and now with the newly discovered drakes they have a fighting chance. But it still won't be enough.
They need to pull off a heist in the center of the Dragonia Empire.
Devarius and the resistance need the dragon stone. It is rumored to give magical abilities to whomever touches it without addiction. No more siphoning oil from the wyverns for temporary magical abilities for the dragonmen, temporary abilities from a substance that has proven addictive. No more relying on mediocre spellcasters drawing their power from wyvern scales around their necks.
They need the dragon stone.
The fate of Kaeldroga depends on it.
If you love Anne McCaffrey and Christopher Paolini and you're looking for a great new dragonrider series to read, you'll love Dragonia because it matches dragonriders against wyvernriders in an epic battle of good versus evil.

Author Biography

Craig A. Price Jr. is a USA Today bestselling author of Claymore of Calthoria Trilogy, Dragon's Call Trilogy, Dragonia Empire Series, Space Gh0st Adventures Series, and several other titles available in alternate realities. He loves to read, write, cast spells, and spend time with his beautiful wife and three children. He dreams to one day become a full-time wizard, but until then, he'll settle for being an author. With more than a dozen novels under his belt now, it's only a matter of time before he settles for world domination, but until then, you can follow his author journey as he takes over one reader's soul at a time.Craig lives on the Alabama Gulf Coast, among the ravenous mosquitos, humidity, and deadly predators. If you spot him in the wild, he can be dangerous, but will often be tamed by a Mountain Dew and Reese's. Visit his website at: for random useless facts, book news, and a deep sense of personal satisfaction. Side effects may include: dizziness, Unexplained Dreams and Visions of Craig A Price, bibliophilism, a sense of freedom, and in rare occasions: the desire to break out into dance. These side effects may be remedied by joining his mailing list and receiving FREE books, as well as the occasional random, useless fact.


"Tight story line with wonderful characters that spring to life on the page. Dragons and wyverns grace the sky." - Tonya"The story is exciting and full of energy, life, and adventure. The first three books of this series makes for a great read.." - Connie Jo Neri"Wonderful series. Hard to put down. Loved the world of Dragonia, with dragons, wyverns, and drakes, and the varied powers of each based on there colors powers. Would recommend to all Pern lovers." - Teri Cladianos"Interesting take on dragon lore. Well thought out characters and plot. - Rick SmithThis is just a great series. I cannot wait for the next book. The dragons are awesome and their cousins even more so!" - Tyeryn


Short Title Dragonia
Language English
Year 2022
ISBN-10 1946968072
ISBN-13 9781946968074
Format Paperback
Subtitle The Dragon Stone
Pages 270
Series Dragonia Empire
Publication Date 2022-03-31
UK Release Date 2022-03-31
Imprint Claymore Publishing
Publisher Claymore Publishing
Author Craig A. Price
Series Number 3
Audience Teenage / Young adult
