• Real chicken is the number 1 ingredient in this high protein dog food
  • Four antioxidant sources deliver immune support for dogs
  • Dog dry food with Omega-6 fatty acids to support a healthy skin and coat for dogs
  • 0 percent fillers mean all our high-quality Purina ONE dry dog food ingredients have a purpose
  • Highly digestible chicken and rice dog food with 100 percent complete and balanced nutrition

  • Pet Caution Statement: Not for puppies under 1 year of age

    Intended Pet Type: Dog

    Storage Instructions: Store in Dry Place

    Used For: Digestive Health, Skin and Coat Health, Joint Health, Immune System Health

    Form: Diced, Dried, Kibble

    State of Readiness: Ready to Eat

    Package Quantity: 1

    Pet Lifestage: Adult

    Breed size: All Sizes

    Pet food type: Dry

    Net weight: 31.1 Pounds

    Pets subtype: Dog Food

    Country of Origin: United States


    Feed your canine companion the nutrition they need to keep thriving with Purina ONE Dry Dog Food Chicken and Rice Formula. Featuring real chicken as the number one ingredient, this high protein dog food supports dogs' muscle health, while its glucosamine content promotes hip and joint health. With Omega-6 fatty acids to promote skin and coat health and a taste and texture dogs love, this 100 percent complete and balanced Purina ONE Dry Dog Food Chicken and Rice Formula will give your dog a mealtime to look forward to.