Vintage 1950 Polk's City Directory Sioux Falls South Dakota. Vintage

The Polk's City Directory was a directory of residents and businesses published for many cities across the United States from the late 19th century through the mid-20th century.

Published by the R.L. Polk & Co., founded in 1870 in Detroit. The company compiled city directories for hundreds of cities nationwide.

Contained alphabetical listings of residents' names, occupations, spouses' names (for married residents), and home addresses within each city.

Had separate sections listing information on businesses, churches, schools, civic organizations and local government offices.

Very useful for genealogical research to trace where ancestors lived in certain time periods.

While phone books eventually replaced them, the Polk's City Directories are considered invaluable resources for researchers studying the urban geography and residents of American cities, especially before the mid-20th century. Many are now digitized for easier access.

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