We've officially entered rarefied air.  Yankee black bands you may not have seen in eons, or perhaps scents/variations you've only heard of but never actually seen.  This is a chunk of the créme de la créme portion of my collection that I'm willing to part ways with.  

I'm only including frontal shots since this is a multi-candle listing, but should you desire additional photos, I'll be more than happy to oblige you.  But for now I'll leave my own personal notes as it pertains to the aesthetics of each candle.  All 8 are first-quality candles (white label bottoms), and all 8 have yet to be touched by a lit match.

VIOLET & BIRCH -- I can't properly express how phenomenal this fragrance is.  One of the very best Yankee ever churned out.  The wax hasn't aged to perfection -- there are some whitish marks on the side and in the back -- but I've seen far worse.  It has never bothered me personally, primarily because I fully realize this is a Loch Ness monster and thus it's ultimately a first-world problem.

ECHINACEA -- The wax on this specimen has aged even less gracefully than Violet & Birch's -- it's uneven and concave on top -- but this candle is nothing short of amazing and packs an incredible punch.  Strong, herbal, so incredibly unique.

WHITE CHRISTMAS -- This is the OG WC from the mid-90s with the fabulous Victorian lace and angels label.  Rarity on steroids.  The scent is no different from the more common iterations, and the candle itself is in borderline immaculate shape.

HELIOTROPE -- Another exceedingly rare tester scent from back in the day.  The lid is not the original one -- for some reason it showed up with a more contemporary hat (made in the USA, not France) when I bought it years ago -- but that's the only minor beef I have with this candle.  It is in excellent condition.

CARAMEL -- Quick, last time you saw a 22 oz Caramel?  Exactly.  If caramel is your jam, look no further.  Virtually pristine condition.

POINSETTIA -- This fragrance will do your olfactory system a solid.  Yankee didn't stop producing it after the black band phase, but rarely do you see one with stripes on the jar.

TRICK OR TREAT -- This candle is in the holy grail conversation.  Along with its two other Oct. 31 contemporaries -- Witches Brew and Halloween -- a black band Trick or Treat is at the height of covetousness.  A soft candy corn scent with one of the best labels around.  Unlike its 7 big friends, this is a 14.5 ouncer.

HERB GARDEN -- Yet another very difficult black band to track down.  There is some darkening in the wax on one side, but that's just a reminder of how loaded this bad boy is.  Extremely redolent.  Don't lie, you know you want to traipse the path in that label. 😎

I take my obligations very seriously, so proceed with confidence.  I'm not one of these sorry sellers who half-asses a transaction once payment is received.  On the contrary.  I secure candles like a champ, I get them out very quickly, and I'll be with you every step of the way until a smile breaks out.

Thank you very much for the looks!