Fresh Costco Real Limes, 3 Ib Bag
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Add zest and flavor to your meals and beverages with these Limes. Freshly squeezed limes provide a healthy dose of vitamin C to your diet and are a key ingredient in many recipes, from homemade salsa to chicken dishes. The citrusy tropical flavor of these limes are sure to add a zing to all your cooked meals. Drizzle lime juice over fish or add it to your favorite sauces. Serve wedges of raw lime with your favorite cocktails and use them when baking cakes, cookies, and tarts. Enjoy the refreshing, tart flavor of Limes.

  • Fresh and juicy key limes
  • Drizzle lime juice over fish or add it to your favorite sauces
  • Serve wedges of raw lime with your favorite cocktails
  • Use them when baking cakes, cookies, and tarts
  • Refreshing, tart flavor

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Realizing Your Dream
Joseph Campbell compared our quests to realize our dreams to a mythological adventure and I quote:
 “Leaving the bounded world in which you have been brought up, going beyond all that anybody knows into domains of transcendence, and then acquiring what is missing and coming back with the booty----“ In other words any quest to acquire knowledge, improve the condition of mankind, help the poor, heal the sick, save the children, feed the hungry or accomplish a life mission is like an adventure in which one goes beyond what one knows and acquires what is missing and returns home with the treasure. Heroes in mythology are usually given all sorts of help in their quests. The same is true for you and I who set out to pursue our dreams. There is an invisible source of support for all of us. Go about your dreams or desires; you will experience this source of support when you begin your quest. The support is part of the journey!