Carl Zeiss Makro-Planar T* 50mm f2.0 ZE   £455.00 Including postage.  UK buyersonly.


The Zeiss ZE 50mm f/2 Makro-Planar lens is the best lens I have ever used, it delivers outstanding results with no colour fringing. 

It excels in low light, the f/2 aperture lets the user shoot without any compromising in quality. A great tool for fantastic sharpness!

If you have not previously used a Zeiss lens, you will notice the difference in build quality simply by holding it. This lens has the best image quality and build quality of anything on the market save for another Zeiss lens. It is a manual focus lens, so no autofocus, it’s made for thinking photographers, not snappers.

With an f/2 aperture, this lens is sharp throughout the entire full frame image circle even wide open. A slight improvement is seen in full frame corners until the aperture narrows down to f/4 where this lens is razor sharp. You might see a tiny improvement in corner performance at f/5.6, but it will most likely not be noticeable.

This lens delivers better 50mm f/2 image quality than any 50mm (or near-50mm) lens I've used to date – including those with much wider apertures available. Only a Zeiss Otus will be better, but that’s at three times the price and this lens cost me over £900 when I bought it new.

There are a few minute marks on the focusing ring and a few on the hood, but apart from that it’s in near new (almost mint) condition.

The only reason I am selling this amazing lens is that I have just bought a new Canon 50mm TSE (Tilt & Shift) lens, therefore I don’t need two 50mm macro lenses.

The buyer of this lens will not be dissapointed.