
Producer John Woo's updating of the Japanese anime series. In the year 2133, the Third World War has devastated mankind, and has led to the creation of a utopian society in the hi-tech city of Olympus. Deunen is a female warrior from the scorched wastlelands who meets her long lost boyfriend, Briareos, who has been transformed into a half-machine cyborg. The pair's partnership is tested when Jude Tereus, a 'battle bioroid' joins their ESWAT team. Even more worrying is the fact that Tereus was constructed using Briareos's DNA, causing him to have feelings for Deunen. As Olympus gets ready to hold a global trade summit, the city is hit by a wave of terrorist cyborg attacks. With an increasing number of cyborgs rebelling, Deunen finds herself having to partner Tereus as the terrorist campaign intensifies.

Product information

Run time ‎1 hour and 44 minutes

Number of discs ‎1

Media Format ‎PAL, Subtitled

Language ‎Dutch (Dolby Digital 2.0), Mandarin Chinese (Dolby Digital 2.0), English (Dolby Digital 2.0), English (Dolby Digital 5.1), German (Dolby Digital 2.0), Japanese (Dolby Digital 5.1)

Aspect Ratio ‎16:9 - 1.85:1

Studio ‎Warner Home Video

Release date ‎2 Jun. 2008