Formula by Khabir Southwick, [Registered] Integrative Ayurveda Doctor & [herbal] Pharmacist, a clinical herbalist (27 years) at


Naturally reduces fibroids & the symptoms like uterine pain and heavy bleeding

Helps to maintain a healthy menstrual cycle
Cleansing and nourishing for the female reproductive system
Uterine Tonic
Reduces heavy mensuration bleeding

100% Organic ingredients: Red Raspberry Leaf, Dandelion Root, Milk Thistle Seeds, Dong Quai, Chaste Tree Berry, Black Cohosh, Licorice Root. 4 oz. by weight / 11 oz. by volume

This fibroid tea is specifically formulated with herbs to help cleanse the female reproductive system. The formula also cleanses the blood with herbs such as Dandelion Root and Milk Thistle seeds. The Formula slowly reduces the size of uterine and ovarian cysts and fibroids. The herbs such as Dong Quai, and Chaste Tree Berry balance hormones and reduce uterine inflammation and, thus, help manage endometriosis and other inflammatory pelvic and uterine conditions. Red Raspberry Leaf is an excellent uterine tonic, helps with many symptoms of uterine fibroids especially heavy bleeding.

Even if you don’t have uterine fibroids and you are experiencing heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding, periods with blood dots, cramps, pelvic pressure or pain, or even frequent urination this formula can benefit you.

Have at least one cup a day for more than 3 months, 3 bags of the tea

HOW TO USE: To make an herbal infusion (tea), add one teaspoon of dried herbs to a cup of boiling water and allow this to steep for about 10 to 20 minutes. Strain and Cool to a suitable drinking temperature. Add honey if needed.