Liquid Gold
100% organic Pharmaceutical Grade plant additive made from 12 Scientifically proven ingredients combined to create a biological process which
Liquid Gold also improves overall health protecting the plant from environmental stresses caused by high or low temperatures, pathogens such as bacteria, fungi and insects.

Add to Nutrient Tank/Reservoir

Grow 0.25ml/lt (Example 50ml of Liquid Gold into 200 Litres of Nutrient Solution)

Flower 0.5ml/lt (Example 100ml of Liquid Gold into 200 Litres of Nutrient Solution)

Spray plants once or twice a week at a rate of 1ml/lt During lights off. Can be sprayed from clone up to week 3 of flower cycle

SICK PLANTS Spray twice a week at a rate of 1.5ml/lt in conjunction with Australias Secret LUSH

This Product is Available in 250ml, 1lt, 5 lt & 1000lt IBC