Zappu Bredy Hook on Sinker #2 Secret Rig Various


How to use Brady

The Brady is basically a "throw and reel" rig that can be used to catch fish!

The trick to using it is to cast it three times at the same point.

The first cast is to pull the lure along the surface.

The second cast is to sink the lure to the bottom and pull the lure along the bottom.

At this point, count how many counts it takes to reach the bottom.

For the third cast, start reeling and trace the middle layer of the water between the seconds counted in the second cast.

This is the main way to use the Brady.

Recommended worms to set on the Brady

The Brady is equipped with a blade to make bass perceive it as a school of small fish,

Worms with a tail or worms that look like small fish are recommended.

The Brady is suitable for any worm, so you can set it on any worm you like.

How to choose blades for the Brady

Generally speaking, the Colorado has a strong vibrating effect as the blades spin and spin, and is best used in muddy conditions.

The Willow has less water resistance and strong flashing, so it is good to use in strong currents and clear water, where it is easy to be overlooked when reeled in slowly.

However, since bass have their own preferences, we recommend that you have both and use them both.

You need to decide which is better depending on the mood of the bass that day.