Embark on an epic adventure with "Dragons of Summer Flame," the thrilling fourth book in the renowned Dragonlance Chronicles series. This true first edition hardcover, published by TSR Inc. in 1995, invites readers to delve into a world of dragons, magic, and heroic quests. As war looms over the land of Krynn, heroes old and new must band together to confront ancient evils and forge a new destiny. Join familiar characters like Tanis Half-Elven, Raistlin Majere, and Goldmoon as they face their greatest challenges yet in a battle for the future of their world. With its captivating storytelling and richly imagined fantasy setting, "Dragons of Summer Flame" is a must-read for fans of epic fantasy literature.

This item is in good condition with minor wear to the dust jacket around the edges and the spine. It shows moderate wear to the front cover, and is marked along the bottom of the text block with black marker. It bears no inscriptions and the text block is impeccable.