Topaz is a beautiful gemstone with a happy and hopeful energy. Unsurprisingly, it is a particularly good tool for manifestation, both for our spiritual desires as well as our earthly ones. Topaz helps us to see our own worth, and to have more self confidence and self love, without becoming arrogant or egotistical. It whispers to us that our dreams are worthwhile and helps to soothe us when we feel frightened or anxious. It has a joyful vibration that reminds us not to take ourselves too seriously. To enjoy the journey as it unfolds, and to have faith that we will arrive at our destination at precisely the right time. Topaz is a wonderful stone for the mind, helping us to think clearly and use our knowledge wisely. Topaz is most commonly used by metaphysical healers to treat the eyes and throat, as well as to stimulate energy flow through the meridian field. It is also said to aid digestion and stimulate the metabolism. 

~With Love~