Our classic Earl Gray tea is world-famous. Created by Richard Twining in 1831 at the request of Prime Minister Charles Grey. 
He loved it so much he put his name on it! Fragrant and zesty. A prime cup of tea!

A world-renowned blend of the best Chinese teas, enriched with the aroma of precious bergamot. This black tea with bergamot has a pleasant and very refreshing taste.

Packed in a nice tin can.

Real loose black tea with bergamot essential oil in tin packaging.

Earl Grey Tea: 
The story goes that Earl Grey, the Georgian prime minister, was given cases of this tea by a Chinese Mandarin. He liked it so much he brought it home and asked Twinings to recreate it for him. And that's what we've been doing ever since. Light, fragrant and with a distinctive bergamot flavour, our Earl Grey still has all the taste of the original. And we like to think it's still the best today.