This product is a key chain that doubles as a pepper spray. It features a blinged-out design with gold rhinestones. The product is suitable for both men and women and comes in a multicolor scheme.  It is easy to use and has a range of up to 12 ft.   Also has an identifying UV dye when sprayed.   
Please note helpful tips when purchasing pepper spray:
  • These defensive spray weapons may be obtained for use against a human or animal assailant.  
  • Pepper spray is only legal to use in self-defense situations
  • Self-defense sprays such as mace or pepper spray cannot be legally used against a police officer, regardless of the situation
  • Carrying pepper spray does not require a concealed weapon license
  • Canister size must not exceed 2oz.
  • Do not carry pepper spray on a commercial aircraft
Protect yourself and your loved ones today!!