Educational set to learn PLC programing, easy to connect for any kind of aplication

Box with 16x LED diodes, 4x 2 pole switch, 4x 3pole switch, 2 digit segment display, buzzer and analog output 4x 0-9V
3x3 box with 9x LED diodes multicolored (red, green) and 9x push buttons
Motor box with 4x 6V geared motors, 8x optical infrared gates (sensor), 3x mechanical NO/NC switches
Motor driver Box 4x voltage reduction with heatsink from 0-30V to 6V, MOSFET driver for 24V digital input and analog input around 2.4V (selectable with jumper inside) or PWM, relay for reverse mode
1x Connected Safety Button with reverse logic NO/NC
some spare parts

PDF with aditional information included ie. pinout, schematics etc.