Univentricular Congenital Heart Defects and the Fontan CirculationPaul Clift

Art Nr.: 3031362071

ISBN 13: 9783031362071

Subtitle: Practical Manual for Patient Management

Release year: 2023

Published by: Springer International Publishing

Edition: Buch

Cover: Buch

Cover Format: 260x183x25 mm

Pages: 380

Weight: 996 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Paul Clift


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This book provides a concise, practically applicable guide to the management of patients born with a univentricular heart defect. It describes the anatomy and epidemiology of the univentricular heart, while guidance is provided on how to manage both fetal and neonatal patients with this defect, as well as those in later childhood and adulthood. The utilization of the Fontan operation for patients with a univentricular heart is described in detail. Management of early and late Fontan failure is also discussed, and the pregnant patient is also described, enabling the reader to develop a deep understanding of how to manage these patients in their daily practice.Univentricular Congenital Heart Defects: Practical Manual for Patient Management comprehensively reviews the management of univentricular heart defects and the use of Fontan-type surgery. It is a valuable resource for the experienced practitioner seeking a manual on the latest available techniques and for trainees who want to develop a thorough understanding of how to manage patients with these congenital heart defects.
Information of Author
Prof. Angelini is a full professor of Pathology at Padua University with expertise in pathology of fetal, paediatric and adult congenital heart disease. She works in the largest tertiary center for Cardiovascular Pathology and congenital heart disease in Italy. She was trained in CHD at the Brompton hospital. She is involved in many educational activities in CHD around Europe. She has published more than 300 papers in the field of cardiovascular pathology, addressing relevant clinico-morphological correlations.
congenital heart disease Kawashima procedure Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Tricuspid and pulmonary atresia Double inlet ventricles Univentricular heart variants Heterotaxy syndromes