3, roughly 10 inch Phyllostachys bissetii Bamboo Rhizomes

Freshly dug.

Phyllostachys bissetii is one of the most cold hardy bamboos, (hardy to usda zone 5). Because P. Bissetii has a very shallow root system it can be easily controlled by locating the hard rhizomes with a flat spade and cutting and pulling them up by hand when they grow beyond the desired location. P. Bissetii retains its green leaves all year and quickly produces a natural screen if properly located, it requires moist soil all year long and if planted in a dry location it will more than likely die.

Rhizomes cannot be planted in a dry location and should be watered at least 3 times a week for at least a month after being planted. I highly recommend planting in a moist part shade location until established, then they can be moved.

These cannot be shipped overseas, any non US orders will be cancelled.