For Sale

The Royal Air Forces Association

The Squadrons Of The Royal Air Force - By Danbury Mint

Hand Enamelled and Embellished With 24 Carat Gold

Please Note This Badges Have A Flat Back and No Pin, But I can add a butterfly pin to the back if preferred, please let me know if you would like a pin added when purchased. Please See The Picture Gallery

Dimensions: 4cm x 3cm

Squadron No. 13

Like Other Early Squadrons Of The RFC, No.13 Went To France As A Corps Reconnaissance Unit In October 1915, Having Been Formed At Gosport On 10th January That Year. Its B.E.2cs Were Replaced By R.E.8s During Bloody April In 1917, And Remained With The Squadron In France Until March 1919 When It Returned To England.

Dimensions: 4cm x 3cm

Each Squadron Is Created Exclusively By English Enamelers, Using Traditional Skills. Each Colour Requires A Seperate Hand-Application And Firing At 400'F, Fusing The Enamel To Form A Hard, Jewel-Like Surface Of Rich Colour. Each Badge Is Embellished  With 24 Carat Gold. 

Please See My Other Raf Squadron Badge Listings