100% Natural Authentic Untreated Transparent 1 Pcs

Blue Yemeni Agate

"Aqeeq Yemani"

from Yemen Mountains for Rings & Pendants

About Item :

Some of the believed benefits of Yemeni Aqeeq stone include:

- Protection: As mentioned, the stone is believed to provide protection against physical and spiritual harm.

Healing: Some people believe that the stone has healing properties and can help with various physical and mental conditions, such as anxiety and depression.

- Spiritual growth: Some people believe that the stone can aid in spiritual growth and help to increase one's connection to the spiritual realm.

- Balance and stability: The stone is believed to promote balance and stability in one's life, helping to soothe emotions and bring a sense of calm.

Additionally, it is believed that Yemeni Aqeeq stone has healing properties and can help with various physical and emotional issues. It is said to help with issues related to the digestive system, blood circulation, and respiratory problems. It is also believed to help with anxiety, stress, and depression. It is also thought to balance the energy in the body and bring a sense of overall well-being. It is also believed to have a positive effect on the immune system.

"It is worth noting here that these beliefs are traditional beliefs and not based on scientific evidence and should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment."


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