UFO Robo Grendizer is a classic mecha anime and manga series created by Go Nagai. It is part of the larger "Mazinger" franchise and serves as a direct sequel to "Great Mazinger." The series follows the story of Duke Fleed, an alien prince from the planet Fleed, who pilots the powerful giant robot known as Grendizer to defend Earth against the forces of Vega, led by the tyrannical King Vega and his generals. "UFO Robo Grendizer" is known for its thrilling mecha battles, dramatic storytelling, and the iconic design of the Grendizer robot. It has become a beloved and influential part of the super robot genre in anime.




Number of Discs


 UFO ROBO Grendizer


 Soft Subtitle / English 


 Full HD 1440x1080p

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