Shampoo Ginger Rare Zingiber Zerumbet Organic Live Plant Rhizomes Pine Cone Bulb

This product is a live plant of the rare Zingiber Zerumbet variety, also known as Shampoo Ginger. It is grown organically in Sri Lanka and comes in the form of rhizomes or pine cone bulbs. The unit quantity is customizable based on the buyer's needs. The style of the plant is traditional, and it is intended for use in home and garden settings.

Shampoo Ginger Lily Plant Care
Shampoo ginger lily is native to India and other tropical parts of Asia, but Polynesian settlers brought it to Hawaii, where its flower head (inflorescence) produces ginger-scented fluid that is still used in shampoos and hair conditioners.

It serves as an exotic landscape accent because of its bright green foliage and vibrant red inflorescences that resemble cones. When used as cut flowers, they make a lovely floral arrangement, and they are also used as ornamental plants.

Shampoo ginger lily rhizomes are similar to those of ginger and turmeric because it also belongs to the Zingiberaceae ginger plant family. Although they have a bitter taste, they are edible and have historically been used to treat digestive problems like diarrhea and intestinal worms.

It produces bright red flowers that stand 2 to 4 inches tall during its growing season, which lasts from spring to late summer, and its red pine cones have a fresh, ginger like scent.

Shampoo ginger lily plants prefer full sun to partial shade and at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day.

If you want to grow them indoors, you can put them near South or West-facing windows, which get the most light all day. Even a window facing east will do. The least amount of sunlight comes in through windows that face north, so your Shampoo ginger may not do well there.

Place the plant in a location that receives bright, diffused light for at least half the day if you plan on growing it outdoors. This is preferably in a spot that is partially shaded.

Pinecone ginger prefers nutrient-rich soil with a pH range of slightly acidic to neutral. Plant it in a container with rich potting soil if you live in a region where the plant is regarded as aggressive or invasive.

If growing indoors, use a standard houseplant soil mix and supplement with perlite, vermiculite, or orchid bark to ensure that excess water drains well.

In order to prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged, be sure to plant your shampoo ginger in a container with drainage holes. Waterlogging increases the risk of root rot as well as other fungal diseases.

During their growing season, from late spring to late fall, shampoo ginger plants thrive in consistently moist soil. Keep the plant dry during the winter as it enters dormancy.

As a general rule, your plant should be watered once per week. To avoid fungal infections, water the soil directly rather than the leaves.

Be sure to use a container with drainage holes when planting. Using tap water can lead to a buildup of salts, so distilled water or rainwater is generally recommended instead.

Temperature and Humidity
These are tropical plants, so they like it when it’s warm and humid. However, they can be grown outside in zones as low as 8, and they can handle cold better than other tropical plants. Shampoo ginger plants will thrive in general household temperatures.

Temperatures should be kept above 55 degrees Fahrenheit, though these plants can tolerate temperatures as low as 20 degrees Fahrenheit.

You should bring your plant indoors to overwinter it if you’re growing it outdoors and outside of USDA zones 8 to 12. Instead of overwintering indoors, growers in USDA zone 8 can add mulch to protect their rhizomes from frost during the winter.

If you live in a zone that is not between 8 and 12, you can dig up the rhizomes (roots) of the plant in the late fall, after the growing season has ended, and store them until the following year.

Since they are tropical plants, the humidity should be at least 50%. If your house has trouble with humidity, there are several ways to bring in more moisture. To increase humidity, you can use a humidifier, group similar plants together, or set your plant on a tray of pebbles and water.

Only fertilize during the growing season. To promote the growth of a healthy rhizome or bloom, you should provide them with phosphorus rich fertilizer. Look for a fertilizer with a higher P number in the NPK indicated on the packaging.

If you want to give your shampoo ginger plants a boost without resorting to commercial fertilizers, you can do so by applying compost tea twice a month throughout the growing season.

Keep an eye out for spent shampoo ginger lily flowers as the plant ages and the flower color changes from green to red.

As the plant stops producing, remove them. Cut the plant’s stem near the base. Plant stems and leaves can be used to flavor food, and the liquid from the flowers can be used to make shampoo, or the oils from the roots can be extracted.