Royal Canin Medium Digestive Care Dog Food is a complete and balanced diet for medium breed dogs that have a tendency towards digestive sensitivity.

Precisely balanced to support optimal digestive health and promote a balance in the intestinal flora, Royal Canin Digestive Care provides a blend of prebiotics, fibres and exclusive aromas to satisfy even fussy eaters.

Suitable for dogs from 11 to 25kg

Key Benefits:

Rice, Dehydrated Poultry Protein, Wheat Flour, Animal Fats, Wheat, Maize Gluten, Vegetable Protein Isolate*, Barley, Hydrolysed Animal Proteins, Beet Pulp, Soya Oil, Minerals, Fish Oil, Vegetable Fibres, Fructo-Oligosaccharides, Hydrolysed Yeast (Source of Manno-Oligo-Saccharides), Borage Oil, Marigold Extract (Source of Lutein)
*L.I.P.: protein selected for its very high assimilation

Nutritional Information:
Crude Ash: 5.9%. Crude Fibre: 1.4%. Crude Oil Fats: 18%. Moisture: 0%. Protein: 25%