Royal Canin Sensitivity Control Dry Food for Dogs is a complete and balanced hypoallergenic vet diet for dogs with Adverse Food Reactions (AFR), food allergies or food/ingredient intolerance.

Made with a specially selected source of hydrolysed proteins that have been chosen to help reduce the risk of your dog having an allergic reaction, Royal Canin Sensitivity also contains high amounts of biotin, niacin and zinc to help strengthen your dog’s natural skin barrier, and help protect them from external irritants.

Royal Canin Sensitivity Veterinary Diet contains a careful balance of nutrients and fatty acids that will promote a healthy digestive system by cultivating the good bacteria in your dog’s system.

Key Benefits:

  • Selected Protein: Duck & Tapioca are the only sources of protein and carbohydrate in this diet as they are rarely involved in food allergy
  • EPA/DHA: Helps modulate skin reactions and contribute to the intestinal mucosal integrity
  • Skin Barrier: Helps reduce trans-epidermal water loss and strengthens the barrier effect of the skin
  • Digestive Security: Contains a combination of highly digestible proteins, prebiotics, beet pulp, rice and fish oil to ensure maximum digestive security

Tapioca, Dehydrated Duck Meat, Hydrolysed Poultry Proteins, Vegetable Fibres, Animal Fats, Beet Pulp, Fish Oil, Soya Oil, Psyllium Husks and Seeds, Minerals, Fructo-Oligo-Saccharides (FOS), Marigold Extract (Source of Lutein)

Nutritional Information:
Crude Ash: 7.2%. Crude Fibre: 4.4%. Crude Oil Fats: 9%. Moisture: 9.5%. Protein: 21%

Choose Bag Size1.5Kg, 7Kg, 14Kg