Royal Canin Giant Junior Dry Food for Dogs is a complete and nutritious food for large breed puppies from 8 to 18/24 months old with an adult weight over 45kg.

Developed specially to help your puppy during the important stage of their life when they begin to gain bulk and build muscle mass, the food has been made with only high quality ingredients including vitamins and minerals to provide optimum nutrition.

Key Benefits:

Dehydrated Poultry Protein, Rice, Maize, Animal Fats, Vegetable Protein Isolate, Hydrolysed Animal Proteins, Beet Pulp, Minerals, Fish Oil, Soya Oil, Yeasts, Psyllium Husks And Seeds, Fructo-Oligo-Saccharides, Hydrolysed Yeast (Source of Manno Oligosaccharides), Hydrolysed Crustaceans (Source of Glucosamine), Marigold Extract (Source of Lutein), Hydrolysed Cartilage (Source of Chondroitin)

Nutritional Information:
Crude Ash: 7.4%. Crude Fibre: 1.3%. Crude Oil Fats: 16%. Moisture: 0%. Protein: 31%