Royal Canin Mini Adult Dog Food is a complete diet for small breed dogs over the age of 10 months, and weighing up to 10kg.

Developed to meet the nutritional needs of small breed dogs, the food has been made with only high quality ingredients including vitamins and minerals.

Key Benefits:

  • Maintains Idea Weight: Helps maintain ideal weight in small breed dogs by perfectly meeting their high energy needs and promoting fat metabolism by L-carnitine.
  • Coat Condition: The formula contains nutrients that help support a healthy skin and coat. Enriched with EPA-DHA.
  • Enhanced Palatability: Satisfies the fussy appetite of small breed dogs by means of its formulation and a selection of exclusive flavourings.
  • Dental Health: Helps reduce tartar formation thanks to the chelation agents in calcium.

Dehydrated Poultry Protein, Maize, Maize Flour, Animal Fats, Maize Gluten, Vegetable Protein Isolate*, Wheat, Hydrolysed Animal Proteins, Rice, Beet Pulp, Minerals, Fish Oil, Soya Oil, Yeasts and parts thereof, Fructo-Oligosaccharides
*L.I.P.: protein selected for its very high digestibility

Nutritional Information:
Crude Ash: 5.7%. Crude Fibre: 1.3%. Crude Oil Fats: 16%. Moisture: 0%. Protein: 27%

Choose Bag Size2Kg, 4Kg, 8Kg