Royal Canin Home Life Indoor Long Hair Adult Cat Food is a complete and balanced diet for long haired cats aged between 1 and 7 years old that tend to live indoors.

Formulated with a careful balance of fats, proteins and fish oils to help your cat maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle, Royal Canin Indoor Long Hair also contains a mixture of fibres that help any swallowed hair from grooming, pass smoothly and easily through the gut.

Key Benefits:

  • Hairball Reduction: A specific blend of fibres help stimulate the elimination of ingested hair
  • Skin & Coat Health: Contains specific nutrients including EPA and DHA to help maintain a healthy skin and a shiny coat
  • Stool Odour Reduction: Highly digestible protein helps reduce the quantity and odour of stools
  • Urinary Health: Helps support a healthy urinary system by providing an adequate mineral balance

Dehydrated Poultry Protein, Maize, Rice, Vegetable Protein Isolate, Wheat, Animal Fats, Hydrolysed Animal Proteins, Wheat Flour, Vegetable Fibres, Soya Oil, Beet Pulp, Minerals, Yeasts and Parts Thereof, Fish Oil, Fructo-Oligo-Saccharides, Psyllium Husks and Seeds (0,5%), Borage Oil

Nutritional Information:
Crude Ash: 8.1%. Crude Fibre: 4.1%. Crude Oil Fats: 15%. Moisture: 0%. Protein: 30%

Choose Bag Size: 2Kg, 4Kg, 10Kg