Wordpress Divi creative theme with home page, landing page, blog, about us and contact us page.


Original Divi theme included with API key


Free hosting for three months.


As a bonus you'll get the following WPMUDEV premium plugins (not GPL) :


  • Defender Pro - for Security,
  • Beehive Pro - for Google Analytics Dashboard
  • Smart Crawl Pro - for S.E.O
  • Forminator Pro - for forms


In addition I will set wordpress, install Divi and configure the theme for you. If you have a domain name I can give you the name servers to have the site running on your domain.


& if you've got an idea for a business I will run an SEO report on SPYFU for web page /blog ideas - max 10 recommendations.


After all the works done I can just transfer it over to you or host it for you. 


Al in all just for the theme you are getting a bargin.


Why am i so cheap  - I'm starting out and don't have much feedback. Once i've got good feedback prices will be going up. 

Also if you've got any questions do not hesitate to contact me. 

Thank you for reading.