In Tibet ,Prayer Wheels have been made for many centuries in a wide range of sizes and styles, from hand-held to tabletop, medium size spun around by hand at monasteries or temples; or very large and continuously spun by a water mill. Prayer wheels at monasteries and temples are located at the gates of the property, and devotees spin the wheels before passing through the gates.

Prayer wheels are used primarily by the Buddhists in Tibet and Nepal, where hand-held prayer wheels are carried and turned by pilgrims and other devotees during devotional activities.

The most famous Tibetan Buddhist Mantra: OM MANE PADME HUM, hail to the jewel in the lotus, is inscribed on the outside of most prayer wheels and always written many times on paper rolled up inside the cylinder. Prayer wheels are always spun in a clockwise direction bringing merit to the spinner and sending the blessing to the world as many times as it is written inside.

According to Tibetan Buddhist belief, it is said that each turn of the cylinder generates as much merit as the reading of the rolls of Mantra enclosed within the prayer wheel.

This is a lovely tabletop prayer wheel that would be a wonderful item to add to your home, Altar or Shrine.


4.5 Inches Tall

2.25 x 2.25 Inches Wheel

2.5 x 2.5 Inches Base