Provide your little one with the best nutrition with Similac 57512 Alimentum hypoallergenic baby formula. This 32oz container of powder formula is specially designed for infants aged 0-12 months who have dietary requirements for hypoallergenic and hydrolized protein base. Similac Alimentum contains all the necessary nutrients that your baby needs for healthy growth and development.

With its special formula and brand reputation for quality, Similac is the perfect choice for parents looking for a reliable and safe option for their baby's feeding. Whether you're bottle-feeding or supplementing with formula, Similac Alimentum is an excellent choice that will provide the best nutrition for your little one. Get your hands on this special formula today and rest assured that your baby will receive the best possible nourishment.

This baby formula is not expired – the expiration date is 10/10/2024.

It's against eBay policy to sell expired baby formula.