“Jesus pitches so hard, nobody else can catch when he is pitching, so he plays pitcher and catcher at the same time. He is that quick.”
This fantasy card depicts Jesus Christ as a ballplayer. Year after year in the Celestial League, he pitches nothing but perfect games, and hits a home run every time at bat. He has been the MVP every season since the league formed. His team has never committed an error, given up a hit, stolen a base (thou shalt not steal), or lost a game!

About this card:
It is an original, not a reprint or copy of any existing card.
Created on a printing press, not a homemade digital or inkjet product.
200 of this card issued in 2010, no "parallels" or variations were made.
Same size as a standard vintage 60s or 70s card.
Designed and manufactured as a print sample by Monarch Corona Printing Co.
Shipped quickly and securely, inside a brand new soft sleeve and rigid toploader.

Guaranteed book value:
This card will always be worth more than you paid. The minimum "book value" is the price above. I will buy this card back from you for what you paid any time you ask. Next week, next year, or ten years from now.
I can do this only because I know that this card is worth more than I am selling it for.

About Grouchy:
21 years selling cards online. Before that, owner of Space City Cards Comics & Coins on Main St. in Houston. As a kid I loved baseball and football, and collected cards starting in 1959 - that's 60 years, but it feels like yesterday.  I have bought and sold millions of sports cards over the years. The kids who used to frequent my card shop named me the "Grouchy Old Man" because I had to keep them in line.  The nickname stuck. I'm not that grouchy anymore. I have over 100,000
online transactions, with an average feedback score of 100% over the years.


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