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Public Speaking

by William Keith, Christian Lundberg

Packed with the latest research, best practices and plenty of hands-on applications, Keith/Lundberg's PUBLIC SPEAKING: CHOICES AND RESPONSIBILITY, 3rd Edition, equips you with everything you need to become an excellent public speaker. Based on rhetorical theory, the text focuses on the role of choices and civic engagement/responsibility--emphasizing the importance of civility in public discourse. It describes the audience as a 'public' to which the speaker belongs, rather than as a separate entity defined only by demographics. Completely up to date, the 3rd Edition includes new coverage of 'fake news' and 'lightning talks' as well as an entire chapter devoted to special kinds of speeches like TED Talks, PechaKucha, poetry slams and more.

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Author Biography

Christian O. Lundberg is an associate professor at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and co-director of the University Program in Cultural Studies. He also teaches first-year seminar Think, Speak, Argue," which focuses on debate and public speaking skills as pedagogical tools and critical components of democratic life. Dr. Lundberg's current research focuses on theories of the public as a social and discursive form as well as the animating principles for public discourses and identities. His textbooks relate to rhetoric, public speaking and public deliberation, while his book LACAN IN PUBLIC: PSYCHOANALYSIS AND THE SCIENCE OF RHETORIC (University of Alabama Press, 2012) works through the implications of Jacques Lacan's psychoanalysis for thinking the rhetorical character of publics as social formations and of the public discourses that circulate within them. In addition, Dr. Lundberg has written a number of pieces that unpack forms of discourse constituting specific publics, with special attention to the intersection between publics and religious discourse in Islam and evangelical Christianity. He earned a B.A. from the University of Redlands, a Master of Divinity from Emory University and a Ph.D. in communication studies from Northwestern University." William Keith is a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, where he supervised the public speaking course for more than a decade. He has taught public speaking for over 40 years at a variety of institutions, including the University of Pittsburgh, University of Louisville, Western Washington University and Oregon State University. In addition to teaching a range of graduate and undergraduate courses in rhetoric, argument and communication theory, he has written extensively about the history and significance of public speaking pedagogy in the U.S. context -- especially its connection to democracy and civic education -- for scholarly organizations as well as the Kettering Foundation and the World Bank.

Table of Contents

Part I: FUNDAMENTALS OF GOOD SPEAKING.1. Public Speaking.Introduction: Why Learn Public Speaking? Remix: What is a Remix? Speech Is Powerful. The Power of Public Speaking to Change the World. The Power of Speeches to Change Your World. Speaking Connects You to Others: Democracy in Everyday Life. The Conversational Framework. Remix: Public Speaking and Democracy. The Communication Process. The Public in Public Speaking. Speaking Is About Making Choices. Preparation. Informing. Persuading. The Speaking Process: Preparing and Performing. Thinking Through Your Choices. Your Responsibilities (Chapter 2). Your Audience (Chapters 3, 4). Your Goals (Chapter 5). Creating Your First Speech. Informing and Arguing (Chapters 11, 12.) Research (Chapter 6). Organizing (Chapter 7). Finding the Words (Chapter 8). Giving Your First Speech. Delivering the Speech (Chapter 9Overcoming Anxiety (Chapter 9). Presentation Aids (Chapter 10). Making Responsible Choices. Good Speeches Are the Result of Choices. Taking Responsibility Means Respecting the Audience.2. Speaking for the Common Good: Ethics and the Responsible Speaker.Introduction: Why Civility Matters in Public Speaking. Remix: Ethics and Effectiveness.Civility Fails in Public Speaking. Deceptive Speech. Coercive Speech. Inappropriately Biased Speech. Remix: Bias, or, on Being Fair and Balanced. Poorly Reasoned Speech.Fake News? Seven Principles of Ethical Public Speaking. Be Honest. Be Transparent. Be Generous. Be Balanced. Represent Evidence Responsibly. Take Appropriate Risks. Choose Engagement. How to Avoid Plagiarism. How to Create an Ethical Speech. Respect Your Audience. Remix: The Golden Rule. Respect Your Topic. Present Other Views and Treat Them Fairly. Avoid Fallacies and Prejudicial Appeals. Name Calling. Glittering Generalities. Inappropriate Testimonials. Plain-Folks Appeals. Card Stacking. Bandwagoning. Remix: Ethics and the Audience.3. Understanding Audiences and Publics.Introduction: Those People Sitting in Front of You. Audience Analysis. The Literal Audience: Demographics. Problems With the Demographic Approach.The Rhetorical Audience. The As" Test. From "Me" to "Us". Types of Rhetorical Audiences. Adapting Your Speech to Your Audience. Identify Common Interests. Make the Most of Shared Experience. Work from Common Premises. Be Directive. Remix: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Address to the March on Washington. Two Views of the Audience: Marketing vs. Engagement. Marketing. Engagement.The Audience and the Public. Advancing the Public Conversation. Your Ethical Responsibilities to Your Audience. Remix: Public or Publics?4. Becoming a Skilled Listener.Introduction: Public Hearing and Listening. Types of Listening. Passive Listening. Active Listening. Remix: The Science of Listening. Critical Listening. The Ethics of Listening. Obstacles to Good Listening. Distractions. Your Mental Zone. Taking Good Notes. Remix: Taking Notes. Giving Constructive and Useful Feedback. Criticize Speeches, Not People. Be Specific. Focus on What Can Be Changed. Be Communication Sensitive.Part II: CREATING A GREAT SPEECH.5. Choosing a Topic and Purpose.Introduction: Picking a Topic and Defining Your Purpose. A Strategy for Picking a Topic. What Interests You? What Will Interest Your Audience? What Is the Occasion? What Is Your Purpose? What Is Your Thesis? Finding a Topic Among Your Interests. What Do You Already Know or Care About? What Do You Want to Know More About? Remix: Brainstorming. Brainstorming. Choosing One of Your Topic Ideas. How to Focus Your Topic for Your Audience. Geography or Location. Past, Present, or Future. Typical Audience Interests. Speaking Purposes and Speaking Situations. General Purposes of Speeches. Types of Speaking Situations. Time Constraints. The Thesis Statement: Putting Your Topic and Purpose Into Words.6. Research.Introduction: Becoming an Expert. Researching Responsibly. The Research Process. Figuring Out What You Already Know. Designing a Research Strategy. Deciding Where to Go. Making a Methodical Search. How to Conduct an Online Search. Creating Search Terms. Remix: Google Like a Pro. Focusing Your Search. Gathering Your Materials. Reading Your Materials and Taking Notes. Evaluating Sources. Blogs. News Articles. Opinion or Advocacy Pieces. Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed Articles. Wikis. Websites and Web Pages. Revising Your Claims. Organizing Your Research Information. Choosing the Sources for Your Speech. Citing Your Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism. Getting Help From a Research Expert.7. Organization.Introduction: Getting Organized. The Basic Three-Part Structure. Remix: Structure and Persuasion. The Introduction. Functions of an Effective Introduction. Elements of the Introduction. The Body. Functions of the Body The Conclusion. Functions of the Conclusion. Elements of the Conclusion. Patterns of Organization. Chronological. Spatial. Cause and Effect. Problem-Solution. Topical. Monroes Motivated Sequence. Remix: Helping Your Audience to do Something. Attention. Need. Satisfaction. Visualization. Action. Combination. Choosing the Order of Points: Primacy vs. Recency. Arranging Your Supporting Materials. Outlining. Outline Structure. Preparation and Delivery Outlines.Part III: PRESENTING A GREAT SPEECH.8. Verbal Style.Introduction: What Is Style, and Why Does It Matter? Characteristics of Effective Style. Remix: Speaking in Images. Concrete and Lively Language. Respectful Language. Classifying Verbal Style: Figures and Tropes. Figures. Figures of Repetition. Figures of Contrast. Tropes. Remix: Advice for Being More Charismatic. Tropes of Comparison: Metaphor and Simile. The Trope of Substitution: Metonymy. Tropes of Exaggeration: Overstatement and Understatement. The Trope of Voice: Personification. Matching the Style to the Topic and the Occasion.9. Delivery.Introduction: Stand and Deliver. Speaking or Talking? Creating Focus and Energy From Your Anxiety. Types of Preparation and Delivery. Speaking From Memory. Speaking From Manuscript. Extemporaneous Speaking. Impromptu Speaking. Staying on Time. Types of Speaking Aids. Using Your Voice Effectively. Volume. Speed. Remix: Words per Minute. Articulation. Inflection. Using Your Body Effectively. Standing. Walking. Using Gestures. Communicating Credibility. Making Eye Contact. Choosing Your Appearance. How to Practice Delivering Your Speech. Practice, All the Way Through, at Least Four Times. Practice in Front of an Audience. Practice Making Mistakes. Breathe, Breathe, Breathe. Answering Questions from the Audience. Anticipating Questions. Interpreting the Questions. Giving Your Answers. Remix: Vocal Fry. Group Presentations. Cooperation. Coordination. Delivering the Group Presentation. Rehearsing the Group Presentation.10. Presentation Aids.Introduction: Adding Media to Your Message. Why Use Presentation Aids? Principles for Integrating Presentation Aids. Static Visual Elements. Pictures and Photos. Remix: Why Use Graphs and Charts? Charts and Graphs. Maps and Diagrams. Text. Moving Images. Audio. Non-Electronic Media. Remix: To Handout or not to Handout. Handouts. Posters and Flip Charts. Objects. Demonstration Speeches and Presentation Aids. Presentation Software. Delivering Your Speech With Presentation Aids. Preparing to Use Digital Media. Developing a Backup Plan for Digital Media.Part IV: KINDS OF SPEECHES.11. Informative Speaking.Introduction: Telling It Like It Is. Goals of Informative Speaking. Present New Information. Provide New Perspective. Generate Positive or Negative Feelings. How to Choose an Informative Goal. The Responsibilities of the Informative Speaker. Topics for Informative Speeches. Objects. Events. People. Processes. Ideas. Techniques of Informative Speaking. Defining. Remix: Definitions, Explanations, and Feelings. Describing. Explaining. Choices That Make Information Effective. Keep It Simple. Use Supporting Material Wisely. Connect Your Topic to Your Audience. Choose Effective Organizational Patterns. Choose Effective Language.12. Being Persuasive.Introduction: Giving the Audience Proofs. Ethos: Why Audiences Should Believe You. Classical Dimensions of Ethos. Why Are You Speaking on This Topic? Pathos: The Framework of Feelings. Appeals to Positive Emotions. Remix: Activities Feelings and Senses. Fear and Other Negative Appeals. Framing. Logos: Who Needs an Argument? Making Connections: The Process of Reasoning. Types of Arguments. Arguments From Examples (Inductive Reasoning). Formal Arguments (Deductive Reasoning). Causal Arguments. Arguments From Analogy. Remix: Thinking through Analogies. Arguments From Signs. Arguments From Authority. When Reasons Go Bad. Fallacies of Appeal. Fallacies of Causation. Inductive Fallacies. Begging the Question: The Fallacy of Circular Reasoning. What About the Other Side? Dealing with Counterarguments. Why Addressing Counterarguments Is Persuasive. Tips for Dealing With Counterarguments.13. Special Types of Speeches and Presentations.Adapting Your Skills to New Challenges. Speeches at Life Transitions. Toasts. Eulogy. Remix: The Science of Eulogies. Graduation. Speeches at Ceremonies. Introducing a Speaker. After-Dinner Speaking. Presenting an Award. Expanding Your Speaking Opportunities. Lightning Talks. Story Slam / Poetry Slam. Appendix A: Sample Speeches.Appendix B: Sample Outlines.Endnotes.Index."

New Feature

Part I: FUNDAMENTALS OF GOOD SPEAKING. 1. Public Speaking. Introduction: Why Learn Public Speaking? Remix: What is a Remix? Speech Is Powerful. The Power of Public Speaking to Change the World. The Power of Speeches to Change Your World. Speaking Connects You to Others: Democracy in Everyday Life. The Conversational Framework. Remix: Public Speaking and Democracy. The Communication Process.?The Public in Public Speaking.?Speaking Is About Making Choices. Preparation. Informing. Persuading. The Speaking Process: Preparing and Performing.?Thinking Through Your Choices. Your Responsibilities (Chapter 2). Your Audience (Chapters 3, 4). Your Goals (Chapter 5). Creating Your First Speech. Informing and Arguing (Chapters 11, 12.) Research (Chapter 6). Organizing (Chapter 7). Finding the Words (Chapter 8). Giving Your First Speech. Delivering the Speech (Chapter 9Overcoming Anxiety (Chapter 9). Presentation Aids (Chapter 10).?Making Responsible Choices. Good Speeches Are the Result of Choices. Taking Responsibility Means Respecting the Audience. 2. Speaking for the Common Good: Ethics and the Responsible Speaker. Introduction: Why Civility Matters in Public Speaking. Remix: Ethics and Effectiveness. Civility Fails in Public Speaking. Deceptive Speech. Coercive Speech. Inappropriately Biased Speech. Remix: Bias, or, on Being Fair and Balanced. Poorly Reasoned Speech.? Fake News? Seven Principles of Ethical Public Speaking. Be Honest. Be Transparent. Be Generous. Be Balanced. Represent Evidence Responsibly. Take Appropriate Risks. Choose Engagement.?How to Avoid Plagiarism.?How to Create an Ethical Speech. Respect Your Audience. Remix: The Golden Rule. Respect Your Topic. Present Other Views and Treat Them Fairly.?Avoid Fallacies and Prejudicial Appeals. Name Calling. Glittering Generalities. Inappropriate Testimonials. Plain-Folks Appeals. Card Stacking. Bandwagoning. Remix: Ethics and the Audience. 3. Understanding Audiences and Publics. Introduction: Those People Sitting in Front of You. Audience Analysis.?The Literal Audience: Demographics. Problems With the Demographic Approach. The Rhetorical Audience. The "As" Test. From "Me" to "Us". Types of Rhetorical Audiences. Adapting Your Speech to Your Audience. Identify Common Interests. Make the Most of Shared Experience. Work from Common Premises. Be Directive. Remix: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Address to the March on Washington. Two Views of the Audience: Marketing vs. Engagement. Marketing. Engagement. The Audience and the Public. Advancing the Public Conversation. Your Ethical Responsibilities to Your Audience. Remix: Public or Publics?4. Becoming a Skilled Listener. Introduction: Public Hearing and Listening. Types of Listening. Passive Listening. Active Listening. Remix: The Science of Listening. Critical Listening. The Ethics of Listening. Obstacles to Good Listening. Distractions. Your Mental Zone. Taking Good Notes. Remix: Taking Notes. Giving Constructive and Useful Feedback. Criticize Speeches, Not People. Be Specific. Focus on What Can Be Changed. Be Communication Sensitive. Part II: CREATING A GREAT SPEECH. 5. Choosing a Topic and Purpose. Introduction: Picking a Topic and Defining Your Purpose. A Strategy for Picking a Topic. What Interests You? What Will Interest Your Audience? What Is the Occasion? What Is Your Purpose? What Is Your Thesis? Finding a Topic Among Your Interests. What Do You Already Know or Care About? What Do You Want to Know More About? Remix: Brainstorming. Brainstorming. Choosing One of Your Topic Ideas.?How to Focus Your Topic for Your Audience. Geography or Location. Past, Present, or Future. Typical Audience Interests. Speaking Purposes and Speaking Situations. General Purposes of Speeches. Types of Speaking Situations. Time Constraints. The Thesis Statement: Putting Your Topic and Purpose Into Words. 6. Research. Introduction: Becoming an Expert. Researching Responsibly. The Research Process. Figuring Out What You Already Know. Designing a Research Strategy. Deciding Where to Go. Making a Methodical Search. How to Conduct an Online Search. Creating Search Terms. Remix: Google Like a Pro. Focusing Your Search. Gathering Your Materials. Reading Your Materials and Taking Notes. Evaluating Sources. Blogs. News Articles. Opinion or Advocacy Pieces. Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed Articles. Wikis. Websites and Web Pages. Revising Your Claims. Organizing Your Research Information. Choosing the Sources for Your Speech. Citing Your Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism. Getting Help From a Research Expert. 7. Organization. Introduction: Getting Organized. The Basic Three-Part Structure. Remix: Structure and Persuasion. The Introduction. Functions of an Effective Introduction. Elements of the Introduction. The Body. Functions of the Body The Conclusion. Functions of the Conclusion. Elements of the Conclusion. Patterns of Organization. Chronological. Spatial. Cause and Effect. Problem-Solution. Topical. Monroes Motivated Sequence. Remix: Helping Your Audience to do Something. Attention. Need. Satisfaction. Visualization. Action. Combination. Choosing the Order of Points: Primacy vs. Recency. Arranging Your Supporting Materials. Outlining. Outline Structure. Preparation and Delivery Outlines. Part III: PRESENTING A GREAT SPEECH. 8. Verbal Style. Introduction: What Is Style, and Why Does It Matter? Characteristics of Effective Style. Remix: Speaking in Images. Concrete and Lively Language. Respectful Language. Classifying Verbal Style: Figures and Tropes. Figures. Figures of Repetition. Figures of Contrast. Tropes. Remix: Advice for Being More Charismatic. Tropes of Comparison: Metaphor and Simile. The Trope of Substitution: Metonymy. Tropes of Exaggeration: Overstatement and Understatement. The Trope of Voice: Personification. Matching the Style to the Topic and the Occasion. 9. Delivery. Introduction: Stand and Deliver. Speaking or Talking? Creating Focus and Energy From Your Anxiety.?Types of Preparation and Delivery. Speaking From Memory. Speaking From Manuscript. Extemporaneous Speaking. Impromptu Speaking. Staying on Time. Types of Speaking Aids. Using Your Voice Effectively. Volume. Speed. Remix: Words per Minute. Articulation. Inflection. Using Your Body Effectively. Standing. Walking. Using Gestures. Communicating Credibility. Making Eye Contact. Choosing Your Appearance. How to Practice Delivering Your Speech. Practice, All the Way Through, at Least Four Times. Practice in Front of an Audience. Practice Making Mistakes. Breathe, Breathe, Breathe. Answering Questions from the Audience. Anticipating Questions. Interpreting the Questions. Giving Your Answers. Remix: Vocal Fry. Group Presentations. Cooperation. Coordination. Delivering the Group Presentation. Rehearsing the Group Presentation. 10. Presentation Aids. Introduction: Adding Media to Your Message. Why Use Presentation Aids? Principles for Integrating Presentation Aids. Static Visual Elements. Pictures and Photos. Remix: Why Use Graphs and Charts? Charts and Graphs. Maps and Diagrams. Text. Moving Images. Audio. Non-Electronic Media. Remix: To Handout or not to Handout. Handouts. Posters and Flip Charts. Objects. Demonstration Speeches and Presentation Aids. Presentation Software. Delivering Your Speech With Presentation Aids. Preparing to Use Digital Media. Developing a Backup Plan for Digital Media. Part IV: KINDS OF SPEECHES. 11. Informative Speaking. Introduction: Telling It Like It Is. Goals of Informative Speaking. Present New Information. Provide New Perspective. Generate Positive or Negative Feelings. How to Choose an Informative Goal. The Responsibilities of the Informative Speaker. Topics for Informative Speeches. Objects. Events. People. Processes. Ideas. Techniques of Informative Speaking. Defining. Remix: Definitions, Explanations, and Feelings. Describing. Explaining. Choices That Make Information Effective. Keep It Simple. Use Supporting Material Wisely. Connect Your Topic to Your Audience. Choose Effective Organizational Patterns. Choose Effective Language. 12. Being Persuasive. Introduction: Giving the Audience Proofs. Ethos: Why Audiences Should Believe You. Classical Dimensions of Ethos. Why Are You Speaking on This Topic? Pathos: The Framework of Feelings. Appeals to Positive Emotions. Remix: Activities Feelings and Senses. Fear and Other Negative Appeals. Framing.?Logos: Who Needs an Argument? Making Connections: The Process of Reasoning. Types of Arguments. Arguments From Examples (Inductive Reasoning). Formal Arguments (Deductive Reasoning). Causal Arguments. Arguments From Analogy. Remix: Thinking through Analogies. Arguments From Signs. Arguments From Authority. When Reasons Go Bad. Fallacies of Appeal. Fallacies of Causation. Inductive Fallacies. Begging the Question: The Fallacy of Circular Reasoning. What About the Other Side? Dealing with Counterarguments. Why Addressing Counterarguments Is Persuasive. Tips for Dealing With Counterarguments. 13. Special Types of Speeches and Presentations. Adapting Your Skills to New Challenges. Speeches at Life Transitions. Toasts. Eulogy. Remix: The Science of Eulogies. Graduation. Speeches at Ceremonies. Introducing a Speaker. After-Dinner Speaking. Presenting an Award. Expanding Your Speaking Opportunities. Lightning Talks. Story Slam / Poetry Slam. Appendix A: Sample Speeches. Appendix B: Sample Outlines. Endnotes. Index.


Author Christian Lundberg
Publisher Cengage Learning, Inc
Edition 3rd
ISBN-10 0357039084
ISBN-13 9780357039083
Format Paperback
Subtitle Choices and Responsibility
Country of Publication United States
Pages 336
DEWEY 808.51
Series Mindtap Course List
Replaces 9781305261648
Affiliation University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Short Title Public Speaking
Language English
Media Book
UK Release Date 2019-01-01
Year 2019
Publication Date 2019-01-01
Imprint Wadsworth Publishing Co Inc
Place of Publication Belmont, CA
NZ Release Date 2019-01-01
US Release Date 2019-01-01
Edition Description 3rd edition
Replaced by 9780357798928
Audience Tertiary & Higher Education
AU Release Date 2018-10-08
