Clove Syzygium Aromaticum Rare Live Plant Tropical Ceylon Ancient Spice Tree

Clove Tree Care
A clove tree will begin blossoming within six to 10 years after planting and will reach full maturity (and produce the best harvest) at 15 to 20 years old.

Clove trees are quite delicate and will grow fairly slowly. It will take about four to six months to harvest the spice crop from the buds (when they're less than two centimeters). The optimal harvesting time is when the clove buds change from a green to slightly pink color. Harvesting is a very delicate process, as the quality of yield can be destroyed if branches are bent or broken.

Clove trees will grow best in full sun to partial shade. Young trees prefer to receive some shade.

If the soil has good drainage, the clove plant will thrive in rich, loamy soil (preferably with organic matter).

These plants require constant moisture. Some gardeners opt for a drip irrigation system for best results, particularly during the summer months when the plants might require additional watering. Just be sure that the soil doesn't become waterlogged or too soggy, as these conditions can lead to root rot. The clove tree will require the most frequent watering during the first three to four years of its life.

Temperature and Humidity
Clove trees require a humid tropical or subtropical climate. Constant temperatures above 50 degrees Fahrenheit are essential with ideal temperatures being in the range of 70 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Clove trees will grow and produce best when provided with regular fertilization. Well composted manure can be applied from May through June. In the early fall months, fertilizer can be applied in shallow trenches dug around the plant.

A clove tree does not require extensive pruning, though its branches can be cut back to the desired height after harvesting. Remove dead or damaged branches and dead leaves at any time.
Propagating Clove Trees
Clove trees can be propagated by using cuttings, however, the much preferred method is to propagate via seeds.