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A Sevenfold Trouble
by Pansy and her friends: Grace Livingston Hill; Mrs. C. M. Livingston; 
Raymond MacDonald Alden; Faye Huntington; C. M. Livingston; Gustavus Rosenberg Alden; Paranete

Read by Tricia G

Run Time 9 Hours 8 Minutes in 9 Audio CDs

This story is an honest record of what we, who are all writers, and all very intimate friends, have seen and heard as we looked on at the lives of certain people in whom we are deeply interested. We used to talk about these people when we sat together after the day's work was done.

"They don't understand one another," said one of the ministers, "else there wouldn't be much trouble."

"I think the little girl means better than she is supposed to," said Grace.

"And I know the two boys are not half so mean as they are made out to be," declared Paranete.

"They are like a great many people in this world," interposed the other minister, "working at cross purposes; making failures of their lives, just because they do not try to put themselves in one another's places."

"Making failures, also, because they are trying to carry their own burdens without the help of the only real Helper," said one of the ladies.

"O, yes! of course," spoke out both ministers; "that is really the foundation source of their troubles, as of most others."

Said Faye Huntington: "Let's write a book about them! One that will help others, as well as them. We can tell their story, but tell it in such a way that they won't even recognize themselves; they will only know that it fits, somehow, and helps."
Chapter Titles:
   An Unhappy Household, by Pansy  
   Frenzy and Remorse, by C. M. L.  
   Calm After the Storm, by Faye Huntington  
   A Trip West, by Paranete  
   A Black Friday, by Grace Livingston  
   The Return Journey, by G. R. A.  
   Aunt Cornelia, by Mrs. C. M. Livingston  
   A Resolution that Failed, by Pansy  
   At the Seashore, by Faye Huntington  
   New Help, by Paranete  
   An Important Step, by C. M. L.  
   Forgotten Resolves, by Grace Livingston  
   A New Difficulty, by Mrs. C. M. Livingston  
   Nothing Satisfies, by Faye Huntington  
   An Unexpected Meeting, by G. R. A.  
   A Reconciliation, by Pansy  
   New Things to Think of, by Grace Livingston  
   The True Reason, by Paranete  
   A Revelation, by C. M. L.  
   Unexpected Company, by G. R. A.  
   Little Interferences, by Faye Huntington  
   A Decision, by Mrs. C. M. Livingston  
   A Happy Birthday, by Mrs. C. M. Livingston  
   A Wonderful Day, by Grace Livingston  
   The Berry Girl, by Mrs. C. M. Livingston  
   "Aunt Polly", by G. R. A.  
   Expected Company, by Paranete  
   Like the Other Morning, by Pansy  

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  • Our Audiobooks are always read by real people, never by computers.
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