The Nile on eBay

The Best Travel Book

by Benjamin Tanny

'This Book Will Save You $100's on Your Next Trip' When Ben was twenty-five years old, he had a quarter-life crisis. He quit his job, sold his car, and found a family to adopt his pet goldfish. He set off to travel the world full time with a five-year travel plan including, Central and South America, Africa, China and Asia, Russia, India, Canada, the U.S. and Australia... basically, everywhere! While he travelled, Ben made it a point to write down one travel tip everyday and strive for constant improvement - aiming to ultimately become the best traveller he could be. 'Anyone who wants to gain years of travel wisdom in a few hours, should read this.' -David Elliot. Become inspired to pursue your own travel dreams. Whether you take one short trip a year, are planning a sabbatical, or are already on vacation, The Best Travel Book will highlight travel strategies and tips you won't find anywhere else. You will discover how to think like a professional traveller and to decide, where, when, and how, to travel. Learn about finding the cheapest flights, booking accommodation, and avoiding scams; staying healthy, eating out, and sightseeing. And best of all, how to pay less for almost everything. This book, will save you tons of time, money, and unnecessary aggravation. You can't afford NOT to read it. 'Without a doubt Ben's advice on real currency conversions is the single most important piece of travel advice I have ever heard. '- Rachel Feltman 'Ben has a sense for travel-hacking that goes beyond guruness. This is a unique chance to pick the brain of one of the world's most accomplished travel-hacker.' - Dr. Antoine Larchez Here Are a Few Things to Think About Do you buy travellers insurance when you can get it for free? Did you know that you can travel to many places in the world for less than $500/month? Do you pay $1500 for a Safari tour to a western operator when you can land in Nairobi airport and get the same tour for $500? It sucks to have your wallet stolen. It happens to thousands of travelers every day. Are you going to be the next victim? Do you use daily deals, like to find deals on food, accommodation and events, before you travel to a new city? Do you spend $3000 on a business class flight ticket, when you could have purchased an economy ticket for $1000, then bought enough air miles for $1000 to upgrade to business class, thus saving yourself a thousand dollars! Whether you are a seasoned traveler or have yet to leave the city you were born in, This book has something to for you. Benjamin Tanny has travelled to over 75 countries, flown 300+ flights, and has spent 1500+ nights in hotels/hostels. He's scuba dived the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa, and seen the Queen outside Buckingham palace in London. He's been there/done that, and wants to show you how you can do it too.

Brand New


Pages 256
Language English
ISBN-10 1503134229
ISBN-13 9781503134225
Media Book
Format Paperback
Year 2014
Publication Date 2014-11-24
Imprint Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Author Benjamin Tanny
Publisher Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Subtitle Get Smart, Experience More, And Pay Less For Everything
Audience General
