Bob Gale, screenwriter of classic comedies like BACK TO THE FUTURE and USED CARS, directed this unique comic fantasy. In it, James Marsden stars as Neal, a young man freshly graduated from high school and unsure of what to do with his life. Torn between his father's vision of himself and his own budding dreams, Neal gets a push in a strange direction when he suffers a blow to the head and begins hallucinating. Sent on a journey by a mysterious man named Ray, Neal drives down a nonexistent highway to deliver a package, only to have his ideas of reality turned inside out.

Genre Action & Adventure
Format Color, Widescreen, Closed-captioned, NTSC, Full Screen, DVD, Dolby

with Christopher Lloyd, Paul Brogren, Michael J. Fox, Amy Stewart, John Bourgeois, Roz Michaels, James Marsden, Gary Oldman, Kurt Russell, Matthew Edison, Wayne Robson, Melyssa Ade, Bob GaleChristopher Lloyd, Paul Brogren, Michael J. Fox, Amy Stewart, John Bourgeois, Roz Michaels, James Marsden, Gary Oldman, Kurt Russell, Matthew Edison, Wayne Robson, Melyssa Ade, Bob Gale