Brand: American West Style: Split-Shank
Purity: 925
Metal title: Sterling Silver
Color/Size/Type: Size 7

The seller guarantees that all their products are 100% authentic and that they do not sell replicas or fakes. This assurance is meant to instill trust in the customers about the quality of the products they are purchasing.

The seller encourages customers to leave positive feedback and to contact them if there are any issues preventing them from providing a 5-star rating. They promise to work towards resolving any problems to ensure customer satisfaction.

The seller offers a "30-day no questions asked money back" satisfaction guarantee. Customers can initiate a return within 30 days of purchase and receive instructions on how to return the item. The seller covers the return shipping charges. The item must be in its original brand-new condition with its original packaging for the return to be processed.

The seller specifies their operating hours, which are Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm CST. They are closed during the weekends.

Such policies and guarantees are designed to provide transparency and reassurance to customers, enhancing their confidence in making a purchase from the seller. If you're a customer of this seller, make sure to follow their instructions if you have any questions or need assistance with a purchase or return.

Customers are invited to reach out via email if they have any questions or concerns.