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Fritz Lang's Destiny


Lil Dagover
Bernhard Goetzke
Walter Janssen
Hans Sternberg
Wilhelm Diegelmann
Rudolf Klein Rogge


Writers Thea von Harbou and Fritz Lang
Produced by Erich Pommer
Directed by Fritz Lang

A young woman (Lil Dagover) confronts the personification of Death (Bernhard Goetzke), in an effort to save the life of her fiance (Walter Janssen). Death weaves three romantic tragedies and offers to unite the girl with her lover, if she can prevent the death of the lovers in at least one of the episodes. Thus begin three exotic scenarios of ill-fated love, in which the woman must somehow reverse the course of destiny: Persia, Quattrocento Venice, and a fancifully rendered ancient China. 

Year: 1921
Running Time: 98
Color Type: Tinted B&W
Country: Germany
Language: Silent with Score


- includes audio commentary by Tim Lucas; restoration demo; and 2016 reissue trailer.