Vous avez toujours rêvé d'acquérir un boitier externe de marque "San Zang" ? Moi non plus mais je l'avais acheté dans l'idée de transformer mon ssd nvme 1to en disque externe pour pas cher puis finalement j'ai plutôt choisi de vendre mon ssd nvme 1to ( voir mes autres annonces eBay ) et au final je me rertrouve avec se superbe magnifique boitier externe tout neuf, je n'ai même pas ouvert la boite. Il semble que le cable usb-c est inclus dans la boite. Bref... si ca tente quelqu'un de l'acheter n'hésitez pas, la qualité époustouflante du produit va certainement changer votre vie :D


Great opportunity to own a truly unique piece of chinese technology. Most probably handmade by master San Zang in some mountains somewhere in asia this mysterious artifact is full of powers : dual protocol ( so it can make coffee while talking on the phone ? ), free thermal pad ( what ?! !! no way it's free ... yes it is omg !! ), easy installation ( no kidding, it's very easy if you can read chinese ), widely compatible ( meaning you can plug it into your dog, cat, car, cactus, computer, etc. it will just work... or not ), 10Gbps ( !! so much Gbps !! almost as much as my fingers I don't know what you're going to do with all those gbps ? ! ) and it's grey.. no.. sorry... it's "Dark Grey". Great : you don't have to spend thousands of dollars on an Apple computer to get something "Dark Grey". And what else... let me see the back of the box again.... oh yes : it's CE, FCC, UKCA, the triangle thing I don't know what it means, 10 something in a circle, recycle, don't put it in a trashcan, throw it away blister + boite en papier trashcan on wheels with a laundry going on inside ( ?!?? don't ask me I have no idea what's going on on those things ) compatible something........ let's say it's just great, just buy it :)

Ok ok... you don't want to buy it but look at me : I did buy it for way more than 1$ and I'm having so much fun reading the box and writing this on eBay, you want to have fun too I'm sure so just buy it.