Directed by Lamberto Bava and produced by Dario Argento, this horror film is an infamous cult classic.

This DVD includes commentary by Lamberto Bava, Sergio Stivaletti and Loris Curci.

Also a documentary featurette called 'An Eye For Horror'.

A must-have for horror film collectors!

Get ready to be terrified with the rare and uncut DVD edition of Demons 2. Directed by Lamberto Bava and produced by Dario Argento, this horror movie features creatures, zombies, and demons, making it a must-watch for any horror fan. This widescreen edition comes in a tall/DVD case and has an aspect ratio of 1.66:1, with a run time of 91 minutes. It is rated R18+ and features commentary, original dubbing, additional scenes, and a behind-the-scenes featurette. Starring David Knight, Nancy Brilli, Asia Argento, Bobby Rhodes, Virginia Bryant, and Coralina Cataldi Tassoni, this DVD has an English language option and is region 4 compatible (AU, NZ, Latin America...). Don't miss out on adding this super rare gem to your movie collection.