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Everyday Hate

by Dave Rich

This book is a tour de force of the history and present reality of antisemitism.

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Publisher Description

On 7 October2023, Hamas killed over a thousand Israelis, sparking a devastating new phasein the long-running conflict in Israel and Palestine. In the days and weeksthat followed, a wave of anti-Jewish hatred swept across the world. Synagogueswere burned, Jews attacked and protests raged, with calls for Israel to beerased from the map. Despite our abhorrence of racism, this most ancient ofprejudices continues to seduce even the most educated, empathetic andwell-meaning members of society. This, Dave Rich argues, is the particularquality of antisemitism: it hides in plain sight. Our task is to understandwhere it came from in order that it might be rooted out.This book isa tour de force of the history and present reality of antisemitism; fromShakespeare to South Park, Israel to Covid-19, Rich shows us where eachof the enduring stereotypes about Jews came from, what they look like in modernsociety and how they can be challenged. Fully updated to address the events of7 October and all that followed, this book shines a light on thealmost-unnoticed prejudices that perpetuate anti-Jewish hatred, explaining howantisemitism continues to thrive in the interactions, assumptions and views ofdecent people around the world – and how we can change this for the better.

Author Biography

Dr Dave Richis one of the UK's leading experts on antisemitism. He has worked for almostthirty years for the Community Security Trust, a Jewish charity that protectsthe UK Jewish community, and has advised the police, the Crown ProsecutionService, football clubs, political parties and many other organisations on howto tackle antisemitism. This is his second book, following The Left's JewishProblem: Jeremy Corbyn, Israel and Antisemitism (Biteback, 2016 and 2018).You will regularly find him writing about antisemitism or extremism fornational and international media or appearing on TV and radio broadcasts,including for The Guardian, New York Times, New Statesman,Jewish Chronicle, Haaretz, BBC News, ITV News, Sky News, Radio 5Live, LBC, Panorama, Newsnight and others. Dave is a ResearchFellow at the London Centre for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism and ison the editorial board of the Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism. Hisacademic work includes chapters and articles about hate crime, conspiracytheories, the abuse of Holocaust memory, anti-Israel boycotts, campusantisemitism and the campaign for Soviet Jewry. Dave blogs regularly aboutantisemitism and related topics at his personal Substack, 'Everyday Hate',where you can subscribe for free articles and updates at


Author Dave Rich
Publisher Biteback Publishing
Year 2024
ISBN-13 9781785908835
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2024-05-16
Imprint Biteback Publishing
Place of Publication London
Country of Publication United Kingdom
DEWEY 305.8924
Audience General
UK Release Date 2024-05-16
ISBN-10 1785908839
Pages 400
Subtitle How antisemitism is built into our world - and how you can change it
