I’ve reduced the price in consideration of the current damage. The ring has a missing piece and the rest of the pieces seem be held firmly by the superglue. (Please see photos for damage.) the facemask itself with the molding wasn’t damaged with the exception of the left tusk. It seems some of the top half of tusk is damaged. These errors can be fixed easily cosmetically, but since the helmet is fiberglass and molded, it’d be difficult to do with the same material. I’ll be including a second ring to put on the outside of the dome so you’ll really only have to fix the tusk. It is a beautiful helmet, I hope it finds a good home.

Ive included a photo of what it looks like in full costume, the last photo shows what it looks like after the damage in full suit, the only noticeable damage is the tusk. It is hand painted in an ANH fashion.


(The helmet usually goes for $800 on his Etsy page, so I believe this is fairly priced, I would like to add however that this is not the same item from his Etsy page, this an older spfx with a different lineage.)